There is no fear of God in them their idols are silver and gold the works of their own hands and their own inventions. Haughty heady high minded proud covetous people murders and idolaters whoremongers disobedient lovers of self lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God. The churches hands are covered with blood and the land is stained with much blood from innocent blood shedding . homosexuality has polluted the land . The land is full of mockers and haters of God and the church sits at the table with them and their hands are covered stained with the blood of the souls they didn't warn.
You kill Babies innocent babies in the womb whatsoever you do to the least of these you do unto the Lord , vengeance is His and He will repay America your destruction is nigh you will be brought low in your pride arrogance ego heady and high mind . Hard hearted stiff necked stubborn rebellious people who have hated the Lord , behold He comes quickly repent or else.
Take heed how you hear this day that is set before you repent or else the Lord will fight against you with the sword of His Mouth. the plague will be stayed Judgment pronounced and executed swiftly
Behold The Lord comes quickly do the first works and repent return to your first love , forsake the foolish and live ! your counsellors have been many and the wonderful counsellor you have hated rejected and despised Him and His people. you have refused to repent and turn to the Lord while His long suffering has provided a space to repent the door will soon shut.
Take oil into your lamps keep oil in your lamps , gird up the loins of your mind keep your lights shining and your lamps burning. the door will shut suddenly .
Destructions will come suddenly . we have long been warned graciously in the merciful long suffering of the Lord God Almighty who is the Most High .
Famines pestilences increased violence devastation and chaos, persecution of christians .fearful sights are coming and mens hearts will fail them for fear. the wicked will wax worse and they will root themselves out the wicked will be destroyed by their own wickedness. their own ways will return upon their own head . they have provoked the Lord to anger with their inventions .
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