Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A cry in my spirit

there is a cry in my spirit that seems so hard to explain. I believe the Lord is breaking my heart for what breaks His. so many people are walking around blind to the time & hour we are living in. so many have refused correction and have become completely numb to the conviction of the Holy spirit because they have ignored His voice for so long. there is so much pride and arrogance so much lack of compassion. christians have forgot there is a way that seems right to man but the end thereof is destruction. so many are lost stuck in there own ways or stuck in the ways of religion. so many can easily see the spec in anothers eye but they are so blind they cannot see the spec in there own eye. some wanted so badly to be used by God but have become so impatient to wait on the Lord to speak. daily the Lord places people in our path and christians who discern many things lack discerment in certain areas quick to speak they are but they dont listen. so many proudly go about rebuking and judging, are we to rebuke and judge yes we are. is our judgement the final say no it is not, God continues to reach out extending mercy and hope compassion & correction, . to many times we rebuke someone and shut the door of hope in their face. to many times people reachout to us and we dont listen , we are so quick to say they are backslidden or there a sinner and we rebuke them and delete and block them from our lives. to many times we speak before asking God how should we speak what should we speak or what would be the most effective way to minister to this specific person He has sent into our path. God has showed me how some of us christians have shut the door on people He has sent to us , we have either straight up refused them or didnt take the time to let our light shine. caught up in our busyness plans and agenda's we have missed oppurtunities.  to many christians have been so caught up in self and caught up in what they think Gods plan for them is and they are missing it. to many are so focused on everything thats wrong in the world or events taking place that they have taken their eyes off of Jesus. they are seeking the next major breaking news to share something with others, youtube is consuming people and what should be used as a ministry tool has become a idol to many christians. to many christians are off balance so focused on exposing things that they are missing out on other oppurtunities. should we expose wickedness yes we should, should we warn people of the coming judgement absoulutely, many have forgot to extend Mercy Hope Grace and compassion. there is a lost dying world on a path of destruction and in this hour many christians have joined them . some christians want to be the judge and have the final say but what they fail to realize is they will stand at the Judgement seat of christ. christian need balance christ as center of our heart and our focus. many preach against idolatry and are themselves guilty of the same sins. there are lost souls that the Lord has sent to reach out to us and some of them we denied our ears refused to listen to the cry of their hearts. some of us preach repentance but cant see that we ourselves need to repent. some claim to have put on Gods righteousness and they once wore the Garments of His righteousness ,but by allowing pride to enter in they defiled there garments and have become selfrighteous and Holier than thou hypocrites. examine your heart if you have to call off work or step away from the internet do whatever it takes and really search and examine yourselves get alone with God be open to conviction be open to correction, and seek the Lord diligently and ask Him to reveal to you what He is calling you to do where He is calling you to go. and every time a oppurtunity arise for you to minister before speaking ask the Holy spirit for the words. if He says rebuke them , then rebuke them if He says to just listen show compassion and encourage that person do what the Lord says. the time & hour we are living in is serious Judgement has arrived and it begins with us. so many christians are waiting for a big revival that revival starts in each one of our hearts. remember where you were when the Lord reach out His hand and saved you, remember all that He has carried you through and delivered you out of remember the mercy the Grace the Love & compassion He showed you. remember the price Jesus paid at the cross. stop trying to do things in your own strength. we will never perfect Holiness in our own strength only through Christ, only through Christ can we obey Him, only through Christ. our works our as filthy rags, only through Christ can we do good works. its time for christians to repent and wake up, time is short our eyes are open to everything that is wrong in the world but our eyes have closed to reaching those lost in the world. we point our fingers at everything that is wrong and quote Gods word against wickedness but few reachout to pull them out of the pit of destruction. its time to sound the alarm and preach the full counsel of God. to many are playing games and stradeling the fence there is to much entertainment to much humour & joking going on in such a serious time. wake up people Repent and seek God stop feeding your flesh and lusts. christians have grown cold a mistakenly call loud preaching and hype emotionalism the Anointing. because of their blindness they dont see that they have lost the anointing. they exalt there titles and ministries more than they exalt Christ. to many exalt spiritual gifts more than the Gift giver. their speech & preaching lacks the demonstration of the spirit and power. powerless hyper emotionalism wells without water turn back to God . Jesus is the Head of the Church. you exalt what so and so prosphesied over you or your ministry more than the word of God. you want to take cities back but for whose Glory? are you filled with the Holy Ghost or a Holy boast?


In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God

Daniel 7:10 A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousan...