Wednesday, September 16, 2020

People in denial

 religious people in denial day in day out they live defiled. baby Jesus meek and mild, surely He will never judge this defiled Christianity , above correction mistakenly they think they abide in protection and cant be shaken, all the devastation's worldwide mans pride wont let them see God is getting ready to judge, warning after warning goes forth ignored every sunday funday they drag His Name through the mud of their religious entertainment. lip service worship in vain hearts far from Him. prophesy to me smooth things tickle my ears make me feel good, that Gospel they preach isn't in my Book from Genesis to Revelation Ive searched I cant find the entertainment section and light shows and pretty stages. your best life now is another gospel. everyone tongue talking out of order. charismatic witchcraft prophets of Baal they even let Jezebel teach.charismatic chaos strange fire what a mess. to call it Gods house you pollute His Name. what shame why all the games. God said My Glory I will not give to another. repent and turn from your wicked ways. Give the church back to God . tear down the altars of Baal and your pagan rituals.

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In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God

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