Thursday, April 30, 2015

the wounds of this nation stinks

the wounds of this nation stinks innocent blood shedding and abominations everything looks out of control and to the natural eye it appears unfixable because to the natural eye it is and by natural strength it is unfixable , but this nations wound is not incurable if people would pray if the church would rise up and go out and be a city set on a hill again walking in the power of God taking His truth His light His love to the streets then maybe this nation would see repentance . God be merciful we say but not many recognize the mercies of God that have been extended to this nation already . life will humble many who refuse to humble themselves . the times are serious and evil men shall wax worse and worse in these evil days but if one if a few in every city would truly get serious and pray rise up go out and reach out then we might see a real true authentic revival in cities states and this nation but the church has to awake out of their sleep first and realize the need is greater than 4 walls the Gospel is bigger than 4 walls the pews have been long warmed and worn out by religious service and the pulpits have been controlled to be a one man show the body that sits in pews has been paralyzed from using their gifts and callings . the church has been sick the body is in need cities states nations and homes are broken and in great need of the reviving power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ . individual , corporate and national repentance is needed . the question is are you ready are you hungry and will you go ? when we align with God's order and function under His leadership His power will move in our midst souls will be saved daily and added to the church even in the midst of persecution, chaos , devastation , earthquakes etc.. the gates of hell shall not prevail against the church of Jesus Christ . it is time to set thy house in order and repent and give the church back to God and submit to His leadership then will we function and operate in His power. all these agendas schemes and tactics and religious sales pitches and seeker friendly promotion entertainment and worshiptainment that the church has adopted needs to be forsaken.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Does the condition of this nation suprise you

Does the condition of this Nation really surprise you ? it is written in the Living word of God that the days are evil and evil men and seducers will wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived . what we see and hear ought to motivate us to be not inside four walls but GO outside the four walls preaching the Gospel. this generation is sin sick and defiled .

everyone blames someone , cops white people black people , crime , injustice, parenting etc.. the drug war is blamed on Mexico . who is really behind all this evil is satan and his demons . crooked cops crooked government injustice death violence murder etc.. is the results you get when you reject a Holy Righteous just God. the problem is a heart problem outside of God the human heart is wretched , it is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. this heart problem can only be fixed by submitting to the Lord who is Holy who is righteous and who is able to create in men clean hearts and give them a new heart making them a new creation in Christ. we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities , against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world , against spiritual wickedness in high places. Christians ought to know this and be moved to prayer. calling them scumbags and lowlifes makes you just as racist with your stereotypes . did not Jesus come to save thieves robbers , criminals murderers etc..

Mark 2:17 When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

Luke 5:32 I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

Matthew 9:37-38) 37 Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; 38 Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.

I was never as bad as they are or those in Baltimore are is a self-righteous thing to say. wretched is wretched. each of us were wretched before Jesus saved us cleaned us up and gave us a new heart making us a new creation being born again. that's the only difference that stands between them and us . don't ever forget that !

But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned. - Matthew 12:36-37

we ought to be mindful of this. and we ought to be mindful also that the Lord knows our every though even the words we didn't speak . when there is no conviction over these things then there is a problem spiritually . we ought to check our spiritual pulse often . the moment we can call someone a lowlife scumbag , bum etc.. and not be convicted then there is a serious issue . don't neglect it those are warning signs that can be rather costly to ignore.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

what's time when you don't even got it

what's time when you don't even got time multitudes around you looking for time , so many lost in time we are supposed to let our Light so shine before men that our Father in Heaven may be Glorified. Heaven cried today watching you walk past the people in need who were placed in your path but what's it to you ? what's time when you don't even got time ? what's the least of these when you're focused on you ? Christ rejected when the least of these are neglected , there you go ...again thinking that you're walking in obedience because you didn't commit adultery , kept the Sabbath thought you kept all ten perfectly , guilty of breaking them all when you broke the first and Greatest and the second that is like unto it , Pharisees and Hypocrites I'm sick of it , tinkling cymbals and sounding brass head knowledge in the spot light listen to them clap . people in awe over teachings that aren't reaching blind to the fact that your actions are froze up looking like a major league ball player uniform glove knows how to throw the ball swing the bat but sits the bench and never takes the field. it's time to yield to God

Time is a vapor , people racing through trying to live it up , past they don't wanna give it up looking back , back stepping trying to catch regret and relive the moment , lost in time so many stuck in its planned circle

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

few want to hear truth

Truth - few want to hear it , everyone gone fear it wishing they would have listened when the clock stops ticking standing before the Throne at the Judgment seat of Christ without excuse , to misuse Grace is like spitting in His face , few realize that Grace empowers to run this race and fight the good fight of faith laying hold upon eternal life . using Grace as a license to continue in sin is like whipping Him again , It is one thing to fall short but habitually practicing a lifestyle of sin is different then falling short.

not one is going to receive hope and joy without repentance ! lately I see more and more people coming against the message of repentance . you can motivate and inspire the lost and a backslidden church all you want but without repentance their is separation because of sin therefore there is no love no joy and no peace in them because they willfully choose to be temporarily moved by inspiring messages of encouragement rather than being moved to repent and come out from among t...hem and be separate not being conformed to the ways of the world . the problem is so many Christians and pastors and churches want to be popular , loved , liked and admired by all the world. the world will love its own ! true followers will not be popular loved liked and admired by all the world. what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and Lose his own soul ?

Many would weep

many would weep if they saw how many people have been placed in their path by the hand of God and they rejected them , looked passed them or looked down on them. whatsoever you do to the least of these you do unto Jesus. you despise them you really despise HIM ! in your eyes they might be worthless but in God's eyes they are somebody a precious soul loved by the Lord . you look down on them but they have more faith and trust in the Lord than most . the obedient aren't alway...s as obedient as they think . they deceive themselves because they believe they are obedient by this and that or because of this or that but truth be told if you don't obey the first and greatest commandment and the second that is like unto it , you're guilty of breaking them all . you have to have a love for truth to love in truth. and the Lord said love in deed and in truth . love works no ill . without love as the motive its all just tinkling cymbals and sounding brass . head knowledge doesn't prove one to be a true follower be not hearers only but be ye hearers and doers of the word. every man is known by his fruit . by this shall they know that we are His disciples if we have love for one another. we love Him because He first loved us

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

America Drowning in darkness

America Drowning in darkness cold world people cruel and heartless
I started writing and the enemy said don't start this , put my heart in this
led by the Holy spirit , ignite this flame spark a change of perspective for some
given all or none , the spirit and the bride says come , come away from the world
a storm is on its way, if you don't know the way the truth and the Life your house gone collapse , abominations fill this nation valley of decision people stuck in procrastination , sin sick - sins the occupation paying wages of death that's what the people choosing , many who once held hope , now losing hope times have changed
dark days and dark nights are ahead for this nation, like Exodus darkness that could be felt , so many laugh and mock but in His mercy still He stands at the door and knocks , not willing that any should perish but that all would come to repentance , people overwhelmed with their occupation they long for change desire to be free from their chains, does anyone see them ? can anyone hear them ? looking into the eyes of this lost world can you see can you hear them crying open up the gates to me ? let the King of Glory come in ! I can't shake this feeling that the King is soon coming , urgency is the time clock ticking - this is more than a status
some might think I'm picking on America some might think that I'm judging before their time like I said please don't get it twisted because mercy is available and the goodness of God does lead to repentance and its my prayer that the church would come to repentance see I wasn't just preaching to America or a lost cold world full of cruel people this is for Christians who fell asleep for the lukewarm fence riders.
again please don't get it twisted because I am not more righteous than anyone
keep in mind this message was for me before it came to you . the Lord is calling us to function in His order completely dependent upon His leadership. it is time to watch and pray, time to prepare now more than ever before . the early church went out and God is calling us to rise up and go out. the days are evil these are perilous times. and in these endtimes these last days we cannot go out without walking in the spirit of the Lord and the power of His might. religious people and churches will be caught unaware unprepared and will be scared when darkness that can be felt comes upon this land. in Revelation 12 it says woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea for the devil is come down having great wrath because he knows that he has but a short time. the devil is out to posses vessels and the manifestations of demonic activity will increase in this nation . what we have seen is nothing compared to what is coming. I don't say this to scare anyone this is a urgent warning to prepare and be ye ready. real persecution will come but fear not because Greater is He who is in us than he that is in the world. fear no man - fear of man brings a snare . the early church prospered and was added to daily even in the midst of persecution. walk by faith not by sight - faith moves mountains and natural sight moves your faith to paralyzation . be strong in the Lord and the power of His might trust in Him with all your heart and lean not upon your own understanding

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

when your faith is tested

when your Faith is tested and you feel tried past the point of what you feel you can take and feel like you're in a pit of quick sand sinking in despair , I want you to know that you're not alone and you're still standing because the Lord is there with you strengthening you. the Lord will lay you upon the hearts of His people to pray for you . your vision may be so clouded by the circumstances that you feel hopeless because you have lost sight of your blessed hope that you have in the Lord . I encourage you to begin to praise the Lord right now, praise will confuse the enemy . you're still standing and that is reason enough to praise the Lord . your circumstances may not have changed yet but they will - continue enduring this season this test & trial by faith . when its over you'll shine brighter you'll have a marvelous testimony to share with and encourage others by it because You made it out when you felt like you were sinking in despair and the enemy told you that it was over for you , but God who is faithful strengthened you by His Spirit to keep enduring and not give up.

Judgment begins at the house of God

Judgment begins at the house of God and the church has long drifted from its foundation which is Christ. it has become gold, silver , precious stones wood hay and stubble . and God has and is raising up a voice in church crying repent . the Lord is raising up labourers and builders . the walls need rebuilt . the altar of prayer needs repaired . the house of God shall be called a house of prayer. many Christians critics and spectators have viewed the churches wounds as incurable because by appearance it has long drifted and decayed from the inside out . but there are those like Nehemiah who when we heard we sat down and wept and mourned fasted and prayed crying out to God who keeps His covenant and mercy for them who love Him and observe His commandments . Nehemiah saw the condition he inspected the walls Jerusalem was broken down the gates were burned with fire .Nehemiah took a few with him in the night inspecting the walls. he said you see the distress that we are in how Jerusalem lies waste and the gates thereof burned with fire come let us build the wall, let us rise up and build and they strengthened their hands for this good work. sanballat laughed them to scorn. Nehemiah stood firm in the faith saying the God of Heaven will prosper us . in the face of continued opposition they built the wall the people had a mind to work they made their prayer unto God and set a watch against them day and night . it was said there is much rubbish we are not able to build that didn't stop them every builder had his sword by his side and they built . and he who sounded the trumpet was by him. he said the work is great and large and we are separated upon the wall far from another in what place you hear the sound of the trumpet, resort ye thither unto us our God shall fight for us.

would you believe

would you believe if you could reach into the hole in His side
 would you believe if you could see through His nail pierced hands
 would you believe if you bowed the knee to pray and saw His nail pierced feet
 would you weep knowing your sin crucified the Christ , would you
 would you believe if He woke you from your sleep and let you watch Him
 rise from the dead and walk up out that tomb in victory would you believe would you leave that life of sin behind would you receive life and life abundantly life bought with a price precious Blood of the Lamb behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. if you for a moment could feel the suffering the pain and agony would you believe , would you weep if you saw His face beaten beyond recognition while He stood in our place, paying a debt that you and I could never pay . would you believe or would you reject this chief corner stone One and Only King seated on the Throne we are not our own can we decrease now ? its time for the King to increase now in the end every knee will bow, every tongue confess Jesus Christ is Lord this is the word He is the word risen Living and soon returning , I sit here humbled captured by His Grace as I write to you heart weeping heart beat of the Father beating in mychest urgency sending out warning there's not much time left it's time to stop running time stop resisting when the hand of God knocks at the door of your heart , your arms aren't long enough or strong enough to box with God life is like a vapor and for some this is the final call , if you perish in your sins it will be because you willfully chose to reject Christ and willfully refused to repent . right now your life is spent in sin bankrupt paying the wages of death if you don't turn from your sin you'll be a goat on the left not a sheep on the right. you don't want to spend eternity eternally separated from God

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

understand this

we need to understand that everything satan did or tried against Job was allowed by God and we are no different than Job . when God allows something we knowing this truth should endure it , the sad reality is many want the easy life and don't want to endure anything. and so they start rebuking , naming and claiming etc.. you and I have no authority over what God has allowed ! but we do have authority in what God has allowed but only through Christ for the purpose of His Glory alone and for the purpose to endure what has been allowed and to come forth as Gold when HE has tried us .

the Living word

the Living word of God is life and health to all our flesh , His word is a Lamp unto our feet and Light unto our path . the word quickens and makes alive . the devil is the author of confusion his mission is to devour to steal kill and to destroy he sets decoys and detours in our path trying to bait and entice us but thanks be to God we can have victory through our Lord Jesus Christ . When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him

Jesus said

Jesus said he that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with Me scattereth abroad. Not every one who says or acts like they are with you are actually for you , there are those that wait to betray you and they take great joy in doing so . some people are sick and twisted and enjoy seeing others suffer .

ya gotta be discerning and know those that are with you because you got the right hand and the left and the ones on the left aren't right . many there are whose love has waxed cold , and they whose love has waxed cold are lawless , betrayal and hatred abides in their hearts they are blood thirsty in seeking their own will shedding innocent blood , bearing false witness , they despise those that are good , we are living in the midst of perilous times the days are evil .

 Jesus said if the world hate you know that they hated Him first , whatsoever we do to the least of these we do unto Jesus . no servant is greater than his master if they hated Jesus they will hate us. Jesus said These things I have spoken unto you, that in Me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. through His sufficient Grave we have access to perfect overcoming strength that will lead us into victory .

brethren stay rooted and grounded in the word it is Living and active as a Lamp unto our feet and Light unto our path. we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us. We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed; Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body.
 For we which live are always delivered unto death for Jesus' sake, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh

our comforter

The Holy Spirit is our comforter who brings to our remembrance all that the Lord has spoken and He leads us into all truth. we are comforted not to be comfortable but to comfort others with the Blessed Hope that we have in Christ Jesus . all that we are given in rivers of Living waters is meant to be a cup overflowing shared and poured out into others freely we receive freely we give always motivated in love it is by this that they shall know that we are His disciples if we have love for one another. when the cup is overflowing we are to be instant in season and when we feel dry or downcast we are to be instant out of season preaching the word. I am sure others can testify to this that when we are going through our own storms that in selfless loving service some of our greatest encouragement in our storms come when we are able to encourage and be there for others while they are going through their storms . at the end of Paul's life he said I am ready to be offered up I have poured out my life like a drink offering.

we are living in a time where the enemy is trying to wear out the saints of God

we are living in a time where the enemy is trying to wear out the saints of God . we must trust in the Lord with all of our heart and lean not upon our own understanding like how we as kids put complete trust in our parents fully relying upon them. as kids we had an unshakeable faith in our parents we looked to them for everything we trusted and believed that they would never fail us we lived with total dependence in them alone. likewise we must have such faith and trust in our Lord Jesus Christ . He is the source of everything He is a Life giving source .

 storms will come trials and tribulation will come and its the hard difficult trying times that identify whether we walk faith or just simply talk faith. everyone at times has those moments or seasons of being downcast even David did but God is faithful in our many afflictions to deliver us from them all. growth comes in the hardest most trying seasons we are stretched we are pulled and tugged the storm beats upon us but look at where you are look at how many times before you were downcast , felt forsaken , felt like you couldn't stand or take another step and felt like it was al over like you would never stand or walk again Look you're still standing you're still walking in the Lord all the spiritual ground you thought you were losing turned to be great gain by the sufficient Grace of our Lord you came forth as Gold when He tried you .

you're going to make it even if you feel like you're not going to watch what the Lord does for you in you and through you .

know those who labor among you

woke up with this on my heart this morning - know those who labor among you
 Judas was a secret pretender tagging along, not everyone who names the Name of Christ is actually following Jesus some are secret pretenders just tagging along . they will flatter you and charm you with deceitful charm that appears genuine . there are many wolves in our midst posing as sheep , Jesus said inwardly they are ravening wolves - ravening means starved for recognition , starved for admiration
 we will know them by their fruit - these wolves can be easy to spot they pose as sheep but they move and function out of sync they are starved for recognition admiration and self glory - these wolves may see the success of our media ministry and they prey on us and our friends because they are starved and they have to have recognition and admiration they cannot function or rest without it . we the true sheep cannot move and function without the Holy spirit our only rest is in Christ alone our eyes have been enlightened we know that without Christ we can do nothing , we have tasted and seen that the Lord is good. brethren watch and pray !

standing strong

your strongest stand is in prayer . we need a prayer team of warriors standing in the gap for eachother and our families . the devil knows his time is short so he is making war, but we need to wage war in prayer fighting against the principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. we are overcomers through Christ our Lord we are equipped with weapons that are not carnal but Mighty through God pulling down strongholds.  we have been divinely designed for victory we have been divinely empowered to be more than conquerors through Christ

A pythin coils around its victim

a python coils around the victim, tightening and squeezing choking the breath out of its victim and satan operates like that coils around a persons life choking and squeezing their prayer life , study life there faith , hope , joy , peace , their testimony . sometimes the person is fatigued and weary and begins to start losing their courage and their fight . satans attacks are designed to devour to steal kill and to destroy .he will try everything , if enticing you with temptation to commit sins doesn't work , he will target your friends and family and past enemies and try to turn them against you, he will try to oppress and afflict accuse and condemn . the enemy will plant distractions and decoys and detours in your path , the enemy will try to get you to be too busy to pray too busy for the word of God . the Good news is that we can have victory through our Lord Jesus Christ . we have been given power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt us. Jesus said the example in Matthew chapter 4 of how to resist the enemy and how to use the sword of the spirit which is the word of God. but we have to study to show ourselves approved rightly dividing the word of truth. Gods word declares His people are destroyed because lack of knowledge . in Ephesians paul speaking by unction and utterance of the Holy spirit gave instructions of what to do before putting on the whole armour of God, he gave instructions of things to put off before we can put on. we cannot successfully wage war against the enemy living with un-repented sin in our lives

in the message of the Gospel

in the message of the Gospel as whole it is a message of mercy Grace love wrath judgement justice . one can see in the Gospel that the wages of sin is death and greater love hath no man than this that he lay down his life . It is a faithful saying: For if we be dead with him, we shall also live with him. the spirit and the bride say come ! the Gospel is deep and we ought to preach the Gospel in the entirety and fullness of the Gospel message which include compeling the lost to repent . it is the goodness of God that leads to repentance . we cannot swing the hammer without the spirit , we must be led by the Holy Ghost . He will give us unction and utterance
if you have lost sight of the importance of Christ's death , you have lost sight of how great the cost the price that has been paid - we have been bought with a price

In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God

Daniel 7:10 A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousan...