Wednesday, April 22, 2015

few want to hear truth

Truth - few want to hear it , everyone gone fear it wishing they would have listened when the clock stops ticking standing before the Throne at the Judgment seat of Christ without excuse , to misuse Grace is like spitting in His face , few realize that Grace empowers to run this race and fight the good fight of faith laying hold upon eternal life . using Grace as a license to continue in sin is like whipping Him again , It is one thing to fall short but habitually practicing a lifestyle of sin is different then falling short.

not one is going to receive hope and joy without repentance ! lately I see more and more people coming against the message of repentance . you can motivate and inspire the lost and a backslidden church all you want but without repentance their is separation because of sin therefore there is no love no joy and no peace in them because they willfully choose to be temporarily moved by inspiring messages of encouragement rather than being moved to repent and come out from among t...hem and be separate not being conformed to the ways of the world . the problem is so many Christians and pastors and churches want to be popular , loved , liked and admired by all the world. the world will love its own ! true followers will not be popular loved liked and admired by all the world. what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and Lose his own soul ?

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The hour of boldness that will bring about persecution

The hour of boldness that will bring about great persecution in America in 2025   many will be killed for the faith that is in Christ alone ...