Tuesday, April 14, 2015

would you believe

would you believe if you could reach into the hole in His side
 would you believe if you could see through His nail pierced hands
 would you believe if you bowed the knee to pray and saw His nail pierced feet
 would you weep knowing your sin crucified the Christ , would you
 would you believe if He woke you from your sleep and let you watch Him
 rise from the dead and walk up out that tomb in victory would you believe would you leave that life of sin behind would you receive life and life abundantly life bought with a price precious Blood of the Lamb behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. if you for a moment could feel the suffering the pain and agony would you believe , would you weep if you saw His face beaten beyond recognition while He stood in our place, paying a debt that you and I could never pay . would you believe or would you reject this chief corner stone One and Only King seated on the Throne we are not our own can we decrease now ? its time for the King to increase now in the end every knee will bow, every tongue confess Jesus Christ is Lord this is the word He is the word risen Living and soon returning , I sit here humbled captured by His Grace as I write to you heart weeping heart beat of the Father beating in mychest urgency sending out warning there's not much time left it's time to stop running time stop resisting when the hand of God knocks at the door of your heart , your arms aren't long enough or strong enough to box with God life is like a vapor and for some this is the final call , if you perish in your sins it will be because you willfully chose to reject Christ and willfully refused to repent . right now your life is spent in sin bankrupt paying the wages of death if you don't turn from your sin you'll be a goat on the left not a sheep on the right. you don't want to spend eternity eternally separated from God

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