Saturday, November 29, 2014

song I am working on

beating down your block like a bass drum with this warning flee from the wrath to come pump your brakes stop and look to The SON 
quick jump on this beat like it was Noah's Ark I know the way I know the Truth He is the Life Christ is calling you to cross over from death to life from darkness to light I ain't gotta prayer for you to recite because ya need to pray from your heart go ahead you start i stand here and reflect on Jesus words Father forgive them for they know not what they do we come like the thief hanging on the cross next to you our punishment is just 
Lord we know we don't deserve your mercy still you will that none perish but that all should come to repentance Lord give us the love that when we see the multitudes we move with compassion and embrace the Great commission come Lord be thou our vision you said all nations I know you were talking more than just social media because you said go into the highways and byways and compel them to come in that Your house may be full and there I know you weren't talking four walls full of pews many are called few are chosen the harvest truly is plenteous but the Laborers are few Lord raise up laborers the streets need a pastor too Let Your Gospel be preached in demonstration of The Spirit and of power some wanna be teachers great speakers Oh Lord I see people moved with applaud and the wow factor but weeping altars are empty people waking up first thing gotta check social media see who all like my status who commented and who I can rebuke preachers of the Law swinging the hammer without the Spirit Lord flood our hearts with conviction cleanse us from filthy rags of self righteousness so many wanna confront the sinner and with a blind eye ignore their own sin some quick to yell hypocrite even confront the obvious hypocrite but ignore the hidden hypocrite in their self and some are blood thirsty with the letter I hear them yelling stone her crucify him right about now with that last line they just got puffed up it saddens me to see them power tripping wanting judgement now so many lost souls but so many just wanna yell reprobate some envy sinners for having this or that having a little more money yet they stand and condemn the prosperity movement . motive matters and the Truth is what shall set people free . to all who read this don't get it twisted it's for me too I have been guilty of falling short myself love i was set ought to show at times worked ill to my neighbor . the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak 
we gotta break away from the crowds at time and break away from our busyness and get alone with The Father .we need to be about His buisness more of Him less of us . we find increase in our decrease of self .

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