our heart and flesh may fail but God never will. many in this world blame God for things that happen tragedy and loss but few embrace personal responsibility
every choice has a consequence and every action a reaction . we reap what we sow. why is there racism ?in this world there are many stereo types . no one has to live in the label of stereo types but people choose to everyday people make choices but want to complain when they are stereo typed into a certain category . it doesn't matter where you have been what you have done it doesn't matter if the streets is all you know you do not have to continue living that way. there is Hope and newness of life through the Lord Jesus Christ. it is time for people to be accountable everyone wants to blame something or someone but many don't wanna look in the mirror and see the image they reflect they just run to the streets run to the drugs the parties the sex the racism the gangs etc.. yet they can't figure out why life is so messed up . choices and consequences look at the image you reflect because the image you reflect is how people will perceive things. all the evil in the world comes down to a heart issue the violence comes down to no inner peace so there is no outward peace. the emptiness and loneliness can only be fixed by a active relationship with the Lord and a active daily pursuit of Him. self has to decrease . I have saw christians on here in rage about the fergusson situation . listen it does not matter the color of skin what it comes down to is sin aka a heart issue . black cop white cop white citizen black citizen it doesn't matter the color of the skin. christians ought to set a better example quit fueling the hate and do something that makes a difference . don't allow yourselves to be brainwashed by controlled media. you can see their agenda ?? wake up ! they taught us this history in school for a reason and now the media plays part in trying to get the people to repeat the history of the past . it is almost 2015 it is time to let it go . it is time to move forward . tragedy exists because sin is present sin brings death . you have a choice to repeat history or rewrite History . you have a choice to live like you always have or live in newness of life through the Lord Jesus Christ. there are some who grew up with a alcoholic father and they grew up saying I don't wanna be like that I don't want to live like that I wanna be better etc.. so why do some white people wanna be like american history x and why do some blacks wanna be like malcom x ? it makes no sense to think that you can follow their examples and reap different results. every drug dealer who has ever been caught and served a sentence in jail got out and thought he would be smarter this time he would do things different what happens ? the drug dealer always gets caught again . the only way anyone will see or experience change is when their lives are submitted to the Lord Jesus Christ ! can't you see this world system is corrupt and unjust ? the felon can't get a job the one who didn't graduate or get a ged struggles to find a job. the rich get richer the poor get poorer . people mistakenly attack the people and their own communities where is the accountability ? the world system and government is corrupt ! and people have faults they don't wanna look at. it is time to wake up it is time to adjust your focus to the Lord Jesus Christ. we go ghettos slums projects thugs gangs drug dealers drug addicts pimps prostitution etc.. most have it for a dollar that doesn't make sense . the devil is pimpin many lives into slavery to sin . the devil is the pimp who pimps the pimp that pimps the prostitute . the devil is the pimp who promotes violence lust adultery drugs murders etc... satan entices and demons influence those who are children of disobedience . you see racism satan is the pimp promoting it and his demons influence it ! you see abortions satan pimped promoted and deceived that woman to believe she just wasn't ready to be a mom and aborting the kids would be best satan is the pimp behind it and his demons influence it. it is time to wake up and wage war the church has slept in silence afraid to offend people with the truth and people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. it is time to wage war properly on our knees in prayer and with the sword of the spirit which is the word of God.
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