Thursday, September 18, 2014

the wiles of the devil

Ephesians 6:11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

wiles is taken from the greek word ( Methodos) translated to carry the idea of something that is cunning, crafty, subtle, or full of trickery.

the greek word methodos is a compound of the words meta and odos
the word meta is a preposition that's simply means with
the word odos is the greek word for road compounded together the word methodos means with road

the devil operates with a road that is cunning, crafty, subtle or full of trickery.

the devil doesn't have as many tricks in his bag as he would like us to think
the enemy travels on road one lane or one avenue and he has learned to use that trick well with cunning craft subtle tricky deception

satan has devices . the word devices is taken from the greek word (noemata) which is derived from the word nous . the word nous is the greek word for the mind or intellect

the form of noemetta as used by paul in 2 Corinthians 2:11 carries the idea of a deceived mind. specifically this word noemata denotes the insidious and malevolent plot of satan to fill the human mind with confusion.

the word devices (noemata) actually depicts the insidious plots and wicked schemes of satan to attack and victimize the human mind.

the word devices bears the notion of mind games. we should not be ignorant of the devices or mind games that satan tries to pull on us.

Gods word instructs us to cast down imaginations in 2 Corinthians 10:5

the devil loves to make a playground out of peoples minds.satan delights in filling peoples emotions and senses with illusions that captivate their minds
and that is why we are instructed to cast down imaginations and bring them into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ

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