Monday, September 15, 2014

encouragement for times of spiritual exhaustion

physical Exhaustion takes away. ever notice when you're exhausted you begin to slack a little at your job maybe even take shortcuts sometimes even leave work early ?

spiritual exhaustion takes away from your endurance perseverance your fight your prayer time and study time. when you're spiritually exhausted from battle trials opposition at times you may begin to slack a little not pray as much n...ot seek as much not fight as much and like the times you left work early because you were physical exhausted you might leave the fight a little to early just missing your victory or you might take shortcuts but there are no detours on the narrow road . we all get weak weary and exhausted at time spiritually but its in those times it is very important to remain vigilant spend time set apart seeking the Lord and get spiritually refreshed . in those times it is a good time for reflection and examination to see whats causing the spiritual exhaustion. sometimes it might be that we have been focusing a little too much on our circumstances sometimes we tend to overwhelm ourselves and put a lot of pressure on ourselves.

we will be refreshed when we adjust our focus away from the overwhelming circumstances and completely focus on Christ and trust Him. Jesus calls us to enter into His rest , the Lord has called us to cast our cares to Him because He cares for us. the Lord said he who keeps his mind stayed on Him (Jesus) He will keep us in perfect peace.

overwhelming circumstances will come trials & tests will come . opposition will come. there will be times we don't understand why we go through what we go through and we will be tempted to ask why Lord why me. keep the faith stay rooted and grounded in God's Holy word. He will comfort us He will strengthen us He will renew and heal us when we are wounded weak or weary. stay on guard always satan roars about like a lion seeking whom he may devour satan comes to steal kill and destroy. and it is in those times that we are spiritually exhausted or wounded discouraged or distracted that satan comes to try and devour us and he tries then to steal and kill our faith our hope our joy our focus our love our strength and satan tries to steal kill and destroy our fellowship & walk with God.

we are overcomers through Christ we are more than conquerors through Christ we can do all things through ChRIST WHO STRENGTHENS US.

its important that we heed Gods word. it is important that we quickly heed the warning signs of spiritual exhaustion and that we remain sober and vigilant

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