sometime's while on our journey we so easily place our eyes on the circumstances of the present or the past, and the devil tries to steal our joy and kill our faith and destroy our communication with God. but the devil is a liar he is a defeated foe. today its time to get back up , if you have strayed its time to get reconnected to the Vine. every branch not connected to the Vine is a branch fit to be burned. think about what your doing right now , if Jesus was to return right now what would He catch you doing ? if it be so that you have left your first Love then here is your instruction from Gods word ------> Revelation 2:5 Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.
our heart bonds with whatever we treasure. the heart will follow what it treasures. Lay up in store for yourselves treasures in Heaven
by actively setting our focus & efforts on doing things that store up treasures in Heaven we will focus less on acquiring & hoarding earthly treasure
by actively setting our focus & efforts on doing things that store up treasures in Heaven we will focus less on acquiring & hoarding earthly treasure
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