Thursday, October 3, 2013

just writing whats on my heart

gimmicks and religious sales pitches don't buy what their selling, False prophets prophesy lies wolves in disguise coming dressed looking like sheep, sleeping church didn't see when they crept in, now the people have been seduced under a false banner of love, be mindful of this Jesus said behold I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves be ye therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves.... Take heed and believe every word that you read , Gods word is living and active, cant you see prophecy being fulfilled blood being spilled, and signs of His coming , earthquakes in divers places , rumors of wars. Trumpets sounding because watchmen see the sword, back to prophecy being fulfilled, as in the days of Noah many fail to heed the message, call us crazy and Judgemental, 501c3 churches connected to crooked government, religious folk mad because the trumpet voice in the wilderness is crying out repent, they love politics and hate the truth that convicts, so they gather to listen to ear tickling heretics Joel Olsteen at the top of the list, act like persecution don't exist best life now doctrines of men stairway to hell, they flatter well, wells without water, living in these last days is getting harder around the world Christians getting martyred, here in America most '' Christians '' never dreamed of it most churches never preach of it, a unprepared people still trying to figure out why bad things happen to good people, the hour is getting late, the church is focused on the collection plate. back to calling the truth a hate speech, religious folk yelling only God can Judge me, not realizing what that means, newsflash His word is Judge, the majority refuse Truth and drag His Holy Name through the mud. religious folk say I ain't got no love, because I love the Truth. stand on the word of God take heed because I believe that He meant every word that I read, never give up I'm gonna keep sounding this Trumpet. love it or hate it, love me or hate me, my hands are clean.See More

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