Monday, September 16, 2013

this is serious

It's gonna take the message of the Cross starting with the Gloom and doom part of the message.the judgement and wrath and hatred toward sin to shake the church out of complacency and their lukewarm state. its time to give the church back to God and call people to repent beginning with pastors

Jesus Loves you God has a plan for you come back next sunday, sign up for a membership here's a list of our church activities thats the Gospel the church preaches. love love blessing and funday. they took the message of the cross and took away from its power watering the word down. they package the message to appeal to your liking to keep you coming back to church. get out of those churches that ...don't preach the full counsel of God. many in the church are lost and walking a wide road straight towards hell . do you know the severity of the penalty for sin ? do you know that the wrath of God abides on the children of disobedience? do you know that real repentance results in separation from sin do you know that sin separates you from God ? don't take this lightly its serious I speak with urgency to you. you cannot play games with God.choose this day whom you will serve it is not a joke take a look around you take a look around the world do you see whats coming ? I speak the Truth and tell you many are called few are chosen God wills not that any should perish but that all would come to repentance. the problem is many choose the wide road which leads to destruction. I urge you call upon the Lord believe in Him you might say you believe . well do you trust Him does your lifestyle follow what you claim to believe ?
You can have everything that the world has to offer living for the pleasure of sin and continue in darkness. or you can repent and turn from your wicked ways come to Christ and have life and lay up in store for yourselves treasure in Heaven. today is the day of salvation, He said today for a reason tomorrow isn't promised and life is like a vapor. where ever your at you don't know if your gonna it home from the store tonight or the bar where ever your at while reading this, consider this Jesus is calling you to come to Him repent and surrender your life. you might be reading this just as your getting ready to get high or drink & drive don't do it stop now and call upon Jesus. its decision time will you surrender your life and follow Jesus? your situation may seem impossible to overcome, with man it is but with God all things are possible nothing is too hard for Him. Jesus laid His life down for us, they didn't take it He laid His life down to be took for us. there is power in the Blood of Jesus there is great Authority in His Name every knee will bow every tongue confess Jesus Christ is Lord. so decide what do you want , do you want to chase a high that is destroying you or chase money & riches that cannot save you ? what you have been searching for has been right there all this time His Name is Jesus, you will never fill the empty void that you have with drugs money or sex or material things. there is only one way to life Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the Life. you cannot keep living the way that you always have. you may seem like a good person and think you will go to Heaven for being good. be not deceived you must be born again. there is a way that seems right unto man but the end thereof is destruction. the wages of sin is death. repent and believe the Gospel.

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