Monday, September 16, 2013

how much thought have you given to how much God hates sin?

'' Christians '' how much thought have you given to how much God hates sin? now look at the cross it pleased God to crush His Son, His beloved Son Jesus who lived a perfect obedient life, His sinless Son it pleased God to crush Him in pouring out His wrath and Judgement again Sin, on His sinless Son who stood in the gap and bore the wrath for us . Christ was beaten beyond recognition a punishment ...we rightfully deserve Jesus bore for us. that we might come to Him and live and have Eternal Life. looking at the Law of God His commandments and standards of Holiness, our flesh is sinful wretched and in our own power & strength it is impossible to keep. the Law of sin and death wow back to the cross now Jesus tasted death for us . His Grace is sufficient our God is mighty to save yes God is love . Ive gotta tell ya though Grace isn't your license to continue sinning. Grace isn't there to be abused. if you have the mindset that's its ok to commit sin because Jesus died for you and He is just gonna forgive you anyway then you have a bad mindset. it pleased God to crush His beloved Son. there is a huge difference between falling short and willfully practicing a sinful lifestyle. Im not here to condemn anyone Just to speak the Truth. and the Truth is if your willfully living in sin you are lost and condemned already. Jesus said you must be born again and if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. example I used to smoke pot and drink those old behaviours have passed away. I used to be violent and angry those old behaviours have passed away. I used to listen to 2pac and other secular music, those old ways have passed away. another example paul persecuted the church those old ways passed away and he went forth preaching the Gospel. a person who claims to be saved and claims to be a born again Christian and still lives the same way they always have that person is no Christian at all and has not been converted. the hard truth is it make you a hypocrite claiming to be Christian and continuing to live the same way you always have. going to church don't make you a Christian and it doesn't mean your saved or in right standing with God. you may want to consider humbling yourself and repenting, and truly whole heartedly come to Christ. surrendering all to Him.

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