Saturday, April 24, 2021

Take heed how you hear

Jesus helped many who by consequence of their choices fell into despair and whatever they've become entangled in. sin is blinding while one is accountable for every choice we reap what we sow. so often we who profess to believe are the fallen because we pick and choose who we in our fleshly state and natural view pick and choose who deserves like your statement says.. there are those you have picked as undeserving of your help . unwilling to love them as yourself is what you say in the sight of Christ . we are to be examples and instruments hands and feet mouthpiece of this mercy grace loving correction of our Father we dont pick and choose who deserves our motive is to be love in all we do whatsoever we do it is written in matthew 25 whatsoever we do to the least of these we do unto Jesus. if we know the words of our Lord we know Judgment begins with His house those of us professing to be His and it is Biblical truth and love we are to love one another with building one another in the most holy faith. a city set on a hill that cannot be hid. seek the Lord concerning all that i have spoken on this thread of comments . none here can hear tone of voice see my face my body language so its a given some will mistake much of what is said. perspective and perception matter and if it is biblical there is no debate the truth shall stand . none who belong to christ ever need anyones permission to speak the truth of God's word. your side of the tracks my side lol my neighbours and i have no boundaries they are in other countries states cities here where i make my abode yours as well. my calling and yours if you be in christ requires we be not men pleasers and seek not the approval acceptance or recognition of people we are called not to fear man not to fear their faces or their words not to fear what flesh can do unto us. i get that my stand is bold and radical hasnt always been i used to sit on the fence go through the motions was lukewarm and not one loved me enough to correct me with Gods truth because they fear offending and fear peoples reaction and response over fearing God and there they heap to themselves a snare. i used to get angry when people talk the bible to me i used to get offended but in all of that i backslid got into some trouble landed myself where God first found me and began a good work in my heart .. God saved me from depression and stopped me from taking my life.. i was faced with myself as if seeing my face in a glass .. we can think high of ourselves because our position in life work ethic things stuff ability to manage money etc.. we can make that our boast and let it puff up our flesh but the real bum isnt them the real bum is the one who cannot see his hearts own spiritual condition and how far the drift has taken them . a lot of those bums will teach many how to adapt and live one day when that sun gives no light the grid goes the moon turns to blood the machines factories and warehouses stop running everything people depended on every way of surviving people have known most we have been spoiled with central air many comforts that have spoiled us rotten nearly.. thanks be to God the door is still open for us . the church today looks and moves nothing like the Biblical church

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