Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Your faith would be stronger than it is right now if you would seek the Lord your God with your whole heart

Your faith would be stronger than it is right now if you would seek the Lord your God with your whole heart you will find Him. In Christ is Life and Life abundantly this abundance is not of the kingdoms of this world . My peace I give unto you not as the world gives give I unto you . Faith cometh by hearing and by hearing the word of God. in this current set of circumstances that you find yourself faced with you have not fed your faith and it has weakened you the drift has tossed you to and fro running and blindly seeking with all your being the very things that are destroying you . half heartedly your seek the Lord when your called to abide in Him and His word in you . it is promised that if we keep our mind stayed upon the Lord that He will keep us in perfect peace. this doesn't excuse you from enduring things it doesn't excuse you from troubled times this promise means that during these things that if you will keep your mind stayed upon the Lord your God He will keep you in perfect peace. the Lord gives not as the world gives and His peace surpasses all understanding. these thing are spiritually discerned the natural mind cannot comprehend how that in the midst of trouble times sickness pain afflictions persecutions being hated and people accusing you falsely saying all manner of evil against you the natural mind cannot discern cannot comprehend how that we who follow the Lord can be calm having perfect peace in the middle of such storms circumstances tribulations . call on Jesus believe on Him and be saved repent and be converted some are still babes in Christ and should be teachers by now. the babes in Christ the Holy spirit addressed through paul in this manner you are yet carnal and must be spoken to as carnal. the Holy spirit through paul says My childeren whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you .. this is where the longsuffering of the Lord is required to be abundantly fruitful in us toward them loving them as ourselves .. we were once them never forget it there are many within the Body of Christ who have become puffed up in knowledge and need to repent . be honest with you about this all the knowledge and understanding you have now you did not have as a babe .. and the follower of Christ must allow the Good shepherd to be the Good shepherd in us and through us. some cannot hear His spirit any longer and have been afraid to confess it . no reason to hide it the only thing that seeks to be hidden is sin. anything not confessed and forsaken is rejecting mercy and spiritual prosperity .. ( please do not confuse prosperity from scriptures with prosperity of the kingdoms and things of this world

get off the sidelines

get off the sidelines stop being a fan of Jesus and cheering like your favorite team worship Him in spirit and in TRUTH engage now rise up in the spirit of the Lord under His leading His anointing to preach the Gospel heal the sick cast out devils. don't wait until the war against the saints has reached the full manifestations thereof we must wage war the Lord's way not by might not by power but by My spirit says the Lord . we wrestle not against flesh and blood intercede in prayer for the things the Holy spirit leads you to pray about and who to pray for. speak the word of God the light of the Living word drives darkness out your ways thoughts and opinions are powerless in this battle . His will His way nothing put to it nothing taken away from it ! doublemindedness will leave you unstable let no man deceive you with their vain words that are unbiblical . seek not ungodly advisors and counsellors whom the word of God has no place in. know those who labor among you be not deceived do not receive the Grace of God in vain. repent for turning His grace into lasciviousness

don't wait until the war against the saints has reached the full manifestations thereof

Don't wait - don't wait until the war against the saints has reached the full manifestations thereof. don't wait until then to awake out of spiritual sleep and slumber It is High time to awake out of sleep now is the time to awake The antichrist armies are being gathered for the battle it is nigh. don't wait - don't wait until the armies are fully gathered for the fulness nd fulfillment of the times at hand . seek the Lord while He may be found - the door will soon shut there are 5 wise and 5 foolish.. the foolish have not took oil into their lamp and will cry for oil they will cry open unto us after the Master of the House is risen up and the door is shut and from the mouth of the Lord Himself they will hear depart i never knew you cast into outer darkness there shall be weeping and gnashing of teetH

if you desire change

if you desire for life to change you must bring forth fruits meet for repentance and return to the Lord God with all of your heart. you will find that by His spirit He will lead you and separate you from every unequally yoked relationship. a yoke steers the oxen and if you're going to yoke yourself with Christ there is no room for unequal yokes . a yoke steers the oxen and if the oxen yoked together are going different directions those oxen get no where except the endless circles of fighting against one another. those you circle up with are your influences and you'll find yourself in a greater fight of afflictions because of choice .. never hide the light under a bushel where people cannot see it shine. the light of Christ is to shine before all mankind . a city set on a hill that cannot be hid.

day and night is the witness of Christ gone forth and the word of God is a torment to them

If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ , let him be Anathe-ma Maran-atha ( 1 corinthinans 16:22) day and night is the witness of Christ gone forth and the word of God is a torment to them day and night the nations are mad they know mene tekel upharsin has been pronounced unto them it is the Living active powerful word of God that shall stand .there is no army or armies gathered together mighty enough to win the war against the Lamb ! Jesus is KING OF kings LORD OF lords. the gates of hell shall not prevail thanks be unto God who gives us victory

you made me an enemy because of God's truth

you made me an enemy because of God's truth and now you pray and accuse me to my Heavenly Father and think in your heart that you do His will in praying for me who you've made an enemy . your flesh was offended by the word of God that is Living active and powerful pricked and pierced in your heart you were and chose to harden your heart . you do call evil good and call good evil repent or else the Lord will fight against you with the sword of His mouth The Lord God will laugh at your prayer that accuses me . you do love to sleep and slumber . get thee behind me satan for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men. you do treasure in your heart earthy temporal things of no eternal value. if you would repent and return to the Lord with your whole heart do the first works repent and return to your first love He would be enough. no one can push anyone away from God ! you do lie and the truth is not in you the word of God you abide not in His word has no place in you . you're not saved by your religious attendance tithes and works that you call good. go and sit at His feet reach with your whole heart to touch the hem of His garments push through the crowd of your ways thoughts and opinions and get into the word of God to see what our Father says

Sunday, April 25, 2021

the show of their countenance

the show of their countenance - faces covered with fear . so many fear mongered with false positives when they hear they are positive it is like the doctor told them they have stage four cancer people have been so manipulated by evil a exploited virus yes people are sick have symptoms that is nothing new a mutated worse version of the flu is what people are faced with but fear and stress has so weakened the immune systems of many that it is bad for them for many years people have lined up for flu and pneumonia vaccines then back in 2019 you had a hep a outbreak people lined up for vaccines some jobs required a hep vaccine anyways the point is that every vaccine has a '' dead virus '' in it and all of you who faithfully vaccinate have mutated and this crooked perverse evil wicked Government and the rulers of the darkness of this world have exploited a health crisis preplanned and staged simulated in 2020 many chose to remain in slumber and sleep conforming to and adapting to new normals complying and submitting yielding without question many begged for more order in the midst of the chaos just as these evil freemasons elites have desired to fulfill their saying that out of chaos comes order The freemasons are the builders who reject the chief cornerstone our Lord and Redeemer Jesus Christ of Nazareth . this government and governing systems have oppressed and bound God's people under their evil rule. the freemasons are rooted in ancient Egypt pharaohs they are and all who continue to be under their laws willfully choose to forsake the Grace of God those who refuse to come out of her those who refuse to come out from among them and be ye separate will be partaker of her plagues . mene tekel upharsin come out of the bondages of Egypt whom the SON sets free is free indeed . where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty (freedom) not that goofy statue of liberty that represents their goddess JESUS IS KING OF kings LORD OF lords !!!!! Jesus rules and reigns He is exalted His Name is above every name. there is no other name by which we should be saved repent and believe the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth call upon the Name of the Lord and be saved place your faith hope and trust in the finished work of Christ our Lord at the cross endure until the end my friends and we shall be saved . these be the days of vengeance vengeance belongs to the Lord He will repay He will break our oppressors into pieces .. be of good cheer Jesus has overcome the world He has given us His spirit and will not leave us comfortless praise His Holy NAME give the Lord our God the glory due unto His Holy Name

many gave life to the image of reset in 2020

many gave life to the image of reset in 2020 and it began while many remained under the delusion that it was something coming while it has been happening right in front us . come out of her My people that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. every time you put on a mask to keep your living every time you keep that distance and comply with their beast system agendas you are showing God you choose the works of men's hands the works of your own hands you choose the beast you choose the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes the pride of life the cares of this world. you choose what rulers of the darkness of this world sales pitch you through seducing advertising do not take a vaccine why would you have a dead virus injected into you through the vaccines among many other ungodly things that are in the vaccines nation deceiving sorcery is what those vaccines are your masks sweat droplets make you a bunch of little antennas for 5g controls look it up do the research and while you're at it research USA Military crowd control weapon called ADS that is able to penetrate 1/64 a scratch etching or mark they need 5g to deploy some things .. 5g is very evil covid is exploited and is a freemason antichrist armies global mission covid kovet call on Jesus who is salvation repent and believe Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call. And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying, Save yourselves from this untoward generation.

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Take heed how you hear

Jesus helped many who by consequence of their choices fell into despair and whatever they've become entangled in. sin is blinding while one is accountable for every choice we reap what we sow. so often we who profess to believe are the fallen because we pick and choose who we in our fleshly state and natural view pick and choose who deserves like your statement says.. there are those you have picked as undeserving of your help . unwilling to love them as yourself is what you say in the sight of Christ . we are to be examples and instruments hands and feet mouthpiece of this mercy grace loving correction of our Father we dont pick and choose who deserves our motive is to be love in all we do whatsoever we do it is written in matthew 25 whatsoever we do to the least of these we do unto Jesus. if we know the words of our Lord we know Judgment begins with His house those of us professing to be His and it is Biblical truth and love we are to love one another with building one another in the most holy faith. a city set on a hill that cannot be hid. seek the Lord concerning all that i have spoken on this thread of comments . none here can hear tone of voice see my face my body language so its a given some will mistake much of what is said. perspective and perception matter and if it is biblical there is no debate the truth shall stand . none who belong to christ ever need anyones permission to speak the truth of God's word. your side of the tracks my side lol my neighbours and i have no boundaries they are in other countries states cities here where i make my abode yours as well. my calling and yours if you be in christ requires we be not men pleasers and seek not the approval acceptance or recognition of people we are called not to fear man not to fear their faces or their words not to fear what flesh can do unto us. i get that my stand is bold and radical hasnt always been i used to sit on the fence go through the motions was lukewarm and not one loved me enough to correct me with Gods truth because they fear offending and fear peoples reaction and response over fearing God and there they heap to themselves a snare. i used to get angry when people talk the bible to me i used to get offended but in all of that i backslid got into some trouble landed myself where God first found me and began a good work in my heart .. God saved me from depression and stopped me from taking my life.. i was faced with myself as if seeing my face in a glass .. we can think high of ourselves because our position in life work ethic things stuff ability to manage money etc.. we can make that our boast and let it puff up our flesh but the real bum isnt them the real bum is the one who cannot see his hearts own spiritual condition and how far the drift has taken them . a lot of those bums will teach many how to adapt and live one day when that sun gives no light the grid goes the moon turns to blood the machines factories and warehouses stop running everything people depended on every way of surviving people have known most we have been spoiled with central air many comforts that have spoiled us rotten nearly.. thanks be to God the door is still open for us . the church today looks and moves nothing like the Biblical church

Friday, April 23, 2021

The Lord is going to position some very broken people in your path

The Lord is going to position some very broken people in your path it is important you choose to lay your life down nd present your body living sacrifice Holy and acceptable unto God. it is important that you lay down your plans for the moment or the day when you see them in their ditch do not pass by just offering up a quick half hearted too busy to care prayer . if being on time to your job is more important if your shopping list is more important or whatever it is .... then it is you saying to the Lord that you cannot be entrusted and are a conditional seeker/ follower and are in need of repentance . when you say Lord use me you must be willing to lay down your life plans goals etc... forsake those to follow . labor not to be rich labor not to lay up in store for yourselves treasures on earth but rather lay up in store for yourselves treasures in Heaven . I pray we walk worthy of the calling .. so many are saying Lord let me do this first then I'll go and I at times have been found saying let me do this first Lord and then I'll go. it is easy to get distracted and consumed easy to go through motions and think it to be a good work. the night is far spent the day is at hand it is time to cast off unfruitful works idle words rise up in the spirit of the Lord go and bid guests to the marriage supper our King is soon returning we are not here to preach advise instruct or counsel others with worldly counsel we are not here to preach the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them we are here to preach the Gospel the kingdom of God is within us and we are here to bring the kingdom of God near to those we cross paths with. come out of the bondages of Egypt you have served pharaohs long enough and their oppressive systems of living you have forsaken the Lord your God for the fine linens of Egypt COME out of her MY people come out from among them be ye separate . repent and live

Give Attendance to reading to exhortation to doctrine

our attendance is to be given ---> Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine. Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery. Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all. Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee. 1 Timothy 4:13-16) you can go through the motions of religious service sunday and wednesday attendance give your offering sing a couple songs spend your hour of the week or weekend and those are nice motions that by appearance can be rather deceiving . Jesus must be followed His way alone. Salvation is in Christ alone place your faith in the grace that is sufficient for you the way which leads unto life is narrow = divine conditions Jesus is the word how can you know whom you do not fellowship with in His word abide in Christ and His word and His word in you your heart is His house His dwelling place His place of rest our body is His temple our life is not our own we have been bought with the price of the shed blood of Jesus we are His purchased possession His bride and our King is soon returning for His bride. repent and believe the Gospel the night is far spent the day is at hand

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Earn and deserve your way through Egypt if those be the gods you serve

Earn and deserve your way through Egypt if those be the gods you serve bow and submit comply give your obedience to your pharaoh rulers if they be gods let them save you . choose this day whom you will serve . Heaven and earth are called a witness against you this day that life and death have been set before you choose this day , today is the day of salvation repent and believe the Gospel . #nolongerSLAVES #JESUSSAVES Jesus destroys the yoke of Bondages even the bondages of Egypt . Be free whom the SON sets free is free indeed. Enter in at the narrow gate which leads unto life, enter in to the Lord's rest enter into covenant with the Lord and there abide and remain let nothing break your fellowship with the Lord. anything and everything that tries pull you away from fellowship with the Lord forsake all those to follow the Lord. #JesusBreaksOurOppressorsIntoPieces

In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God

Daniel 7:10 A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousan...