Sunday, January 31, 2021

word for the church 2021

Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of Me and of My words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of Man be ashamed, when He cometh in the Glory of His Father with the Holy Angels. Mark 8:38

are you ashamed to confess the word of God to this generation declaring that abortion is innocent blood shedding and the Lord condemns it , will you confess to this generation that Homosexuality is an abomination and that there is no such thing as transgender , God created two genders only. 

are you ashamed to confess to the world that no fornicator or idolater nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

many say they have love and love people but do you love them in truth 

the word of God declares they know not what they stumble at . the Lord declares that the lost their eyes heart and mind is blinded by satan , we once were them until our eyes were enlightened by the spirit of truth . we who have been redeemed are called to open their eyes to turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me. this is in Acts 26:18 .. and you know how that Jesus has called us to be a city set on a hill that cannot be hid. the truth sets free how shall they hear except we preach ? if the blind lead the blind they all fall into a ditch your church building is in a ditch because your blindness because you seek the praises of men and seek to be a men pleaser it is high time to awake out of sleep repent and return to your first love concern yourself more will filling the members you oversee hearts with the truth equip the flock you have and be content with what the Lord has given into your hands . equip them drive the darkness that be in them out with the heart piercing truth of God's Holy righteous word that brings men and women to a point of decision this is the day that the Lord has made this is the day of salvation . preach the truth deal with the enemy bind him and cast him out shun the unfruitful works of darkness occupy enemy territory with and invasion of God's truth let the Holy spirit fill you afresh as you humble yourselves under the Mighty hand of God. our speech and our preaching must be in demonstration of Spirit and of power . if our Gospel be hid it is hid to them who are lost . many believers hide their light under the bushel of the four walls of church building comfortable and cozy Christianity was shaken up in 2020 many were tossed to and fro and many still sit fearful lacking faith in the Lord wearing a mask keeping distance 

we are supposed to be a city set on a hill that cannot be hid in these times we ought to be going out into all the world compelling them to come in that the Lord's house may be full, we as believers have spent much time filling our own houses laying up the treasures of this world , the true Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ requires we forsake all to follow Jesus. we have been more about our own business than our Heavenly Father's business . as the church we need to repent and truly seek His will not our own. thy will be done not mine . we are not here to work these jobs lust after the things of this world laying up in store for ourselves treasures on earth. with food and clothing we are to be content and our Father who knows what we have need of provides and supplies all our need 

Our Lord provided and supplied for many generations before us even in the wilderness when they provoked Him to anger. are we ready to be hearers and doers ? it is time to bid as many as will to come for the marriage supper . we are supposed to be walking and laboring together with the Lord . Jesus said he who is not with Him is against Him

soon the antichrist will rise to power reveal himself and his mark . many who have eyes see not have ears and hear not because their heart is waxed gross. everything we witnessed come to pass in 2020 is leading up to the rise and revealing of the antichrist and his mark.  all of the agendas and executive orders that gained ground in 2020 are antichrist many have been deceived by false peace safety and security false hopes blind have led the blind and many have fallen into a ditch of deception . 

if you do not wear a mask you're access to stores and employment have been cut off , and if you have a good foundation of knowledge in the scriptures and are able to spiritually discern then you know all of this is preparation for the believer for the house hold of faith to prepare and to take advantage of the times and really lean on the Lord and not our own understanding to truly come to a place of alignment truly trusting in the Lord with all of our heart . 2020 and even now are the times to come into alignment stay in covenant and fellowship with the Lord . these times truly have been awakening and a great blessing to those who walk uprightly and do seek the Lord abiding in Him. 

a preview of what is to come , we have been presented opportunity our perspective and perception must be the Lord's in total alignment allowing Him to be our Light and give us light . this preview of what is to come if you have ears to hear and have taken heed then you know it has been a blessing to have the opportunity to prepare during this glimpse of what thing will be like for the house hold of faith when the antichrist rises reveals himself and his mark. we know how that we will lose total access to stores employment housing etc.. truly a time is upon us and at the door it is nigh a time that we will be without a continuing city , oh but we seek one to come New Jerusalem our city . keep your eyes on Jesus do not take the mark of the beast when it presents itself . 

take heed and watch unto prayer be ready always . be not at ease and do not take things lightly . assemble and gather together with believers strengthen the brethren edify exhort admonish one another .

scripture warns us in 2 Thessalonians 3:6 to withdraw ourselves from every brother who walks disorderly ..

house hold of faith we must remain unspotted from the world. endure until the end we shall be saved

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