Saturday, January 23, 2021

the Lord will perfect that which concerns you and I who are His.

the Lord will perfect that which concerns you and I who are His. He who has begun a good work in us will continue to perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. this is a journey by faith growing in Grace and adding virtue to our faith growing in the ways of our Lord walking in His steps following after Him growing in His image nothing of our own works lest we should boast every ability we have is from God we could not lift a finger move a muscle or make our heart beat it's next beat of life that is flowing through us because is comes by the breath of God breathed into us. those talents and skills we have glory to God not us glory to God glory to God give God the Glory due unto His Holy Name. without God giving our eyes sight we would be tripping and falling down all the day long running into walls . God is love and it is He who first loved us we are called into this love to first Love Him and our neighbour as ourselves our love for one another is to be in deed and in truth our love is to be merciful longsuffering forgiving never keeping a list of wrongs but rather forgiving and extending the very love mercy and grace that has been extended to us and not to us only but many generations before us. God is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness when we confess and forsake our sins. His goodness leads us to repentance and He has mercy on whom He will even if you don't approve feel or think the person deserves because truth is we all deserve the wrath of God that was poured out upon His only begotten Son Jesus Christ our Lord who stood in the gap to take away the sins of the world Jesus endured the penalty and wrath of sin paid a price that you and I could never pay He was beaten beyond recognition bruised scorned His head crowned with thorns nails in His hands nails in His feet they pierced His side beaten and whipped spit on mocked hated despised and rejected of men hated by all who His word had no place in Judas betrayed Him they delivered Him up to the councils and rulers . it is written that whatsoever we do to the least of these we do unto Jesus. the world that hates us it's hate is really against Christ in us still this day the world the councils the rulers mock Him hate and despise Him and the war is soon coming it against the saints war against the Lamb of God . this day we live in has only waxed worse and worse sins the days Jesus endured all that He did for us this day we live in has waxed worse and worse and the end is nigh . the Living active powerful word of God coming to pass as written nothing put to it nothing taken from it. Christ is the Living word and the word has been since the beginning . Christ is soon returning the spirit and the Bride say come. draw near to God and He will draw near to you. seek the Lord while He may be found. the Day of the Lord is nigh and it is a day of darkness and not light. Amos 5:18

House hold of faith our hour is coming be ready always take heed watch and pray . the day is at hand

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