Sunday, January 17, 2021

all who are called the church arise

all who are called the church arise and let us be going out now that the Lord's house may be full. whose Business are you going to be about the remainder of the days of your life here on earth ? there is no half way no middle ground fence riding , this calling requires forsaking all to follow Jesus. it requires we decrease so that He (Christ ) may increase. we are chosen called and Redeemed to walk as Christ walked to follow in His example. we are not to worry about what we will eat or drink or what we will wear , Jesus said for after these things the gentiles seek.  ( gentiles) is referring to pagans or heathens. one definition of gentiles says a worshipper of false gods , any person not a Jew or christian. 

Jesus Made it plain He said if any man will come after Me let him take up his cross daily and follow Me. for whosoever will save his life shall lose it : but whosoever will lose his life for My sake , the same shall save it. For what is a man advantaged , if he gain the whole world , and lose his own soul, or be a cast away ? 

Jesus instructs us to lay not up in store for ourselves treasures on earth but rather to lay up in store for ourselves treasures in Heaven. the word of God is plain instruction is clear love not the world neither the things that are in it. be risen with Christ set your affections on things above , not on things on the earth. 

idols are being destroyed utterly abolished there will not be one idol left standing . every idolatrous image will be destroyed every pagan god and goddess all of the statues and carved images . 

God is raising up His good soldiers for Jesus Christ His fearless frontline soldiers who will not break rank who are bold in the spirit of the Lord for the righteous are bold as a lion. be ready church this coming move of the Holy Ghost through His people is going to anger the wicked and cause the heathen to rage a war has long been brewing and is coming to the times of manifestation in the fulness thereof war with the saints is lurking . the rise of the antichrist and his reveal and the mark of the beast is soon coming. 

The church is going to look like fools for Christ's sake. the world will laugh mock hate and persecute . for our love we will be shown hate. Jesus has told us things to come how that they hated Him first and will hate us and persecuted us as they have hated and persecuted Him.  we will find people in the world and among the religious crowds in church building who will seek to kill us like they did Jesus because His word had no place in them. those who His word has no place in are enemies of the faith. be ready always take heed watch unto prayer fear  not neither be dismayed be strong and of good courage be of good cheer . we are going to experience the power of the Holy Ghost working in us and through like never before in these last times.

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