Thursday, November 5, 2020

Truth about the statue of liberty pagan goddes made by evil freemasons

the statue of liberty what the pagan goddess statue really represents > She represents the "emancipation" of mankind, and "immigration" and "unity" and the coming together of many races to become one universal mankind, all peoples coming together to one land, uniting the nations as "one," with one language.
The "Statue of Liberty," standing on Liberty Island, is one of the largest statues ever made. Its proper name is "Liberty Enlightening the World." The statue represents a proud woman, standing on a huge pedestal, with her right arm extended, holding high a flaming torch. A turreted crown with huge spikes symbolizing the rays of the sun rests on her head. At her feet is a broken shackle symbolizing the overthrow of "tyranny." The statue stands 151 feet in height, weighs about 100 tons, and stands on a Babylonia style tower which is 154 feet high.
In her poem "The New Colossus," Emma Lazarus calls the "Statue of Liberty" the "Mother of Exiles." But the truth is, she is the "Mother of harlots and abominations of the earth" (Rev.17:5). The liberty she promises is slavery to this world's system.

Washington DC is a pillar of evil occult and pagan goddess worship and symbolism. Yet God’s people line up to vote for unjust rulers . America will soon be Judged and laid waste . This land is full of abominations and will be desolate. Destruction will ruin her in one hour all idols being utterly abolished ruinous heaps and ashes many will cry over Babylon when she falls that great whore that sits upon many waters. Babylon is fallen Babylon is fallen Babylon is fallen . The end of all things is at hand be not deceived by the make America great again illusion
A sin sick nation will only become more spiritually bankrupt and lawlessness will abound because the love of many waxes cold. A sin sick Nation's only Hope is turning from wicked ways and turning with the whole heart to the Lord Jesus Christ . this Nation will be blessed under His ruling only Christ is King He is exalted His glory He will not give to another . this nation is like Egypt and the rulers are pharaoh types this nation is rooted deeply in the occult of freemasons and their main god is a pagan goddess . this nation is as branches gathered into bundles fit to be burned .

when America falls from global world super power life changes in every way for Americans . a Revised renewed roman empire will rise from Americas fall . 73 years ago America replaced Great Britain as the world's global superpower. the polarization of power it was compared to Rome and Carthage polarization of power and it was democracy verse dictatorship . here it is 2020 America Mystery Babylon is fallen and has not repented. and now it all points to new world order which actually began it's transition with the inside work of 9/11 . Make America great again like what great Britain just not going to happen America has forsaken Christ and the land is filled with abominations , murders violence, homosexuality , gender confusion , child sacrifice ( freemasons) many false gods that so called christains are tolerant of . fornication, filth perversion uncleanness divorce this nation is fit for destruction fit to be laid waste made desolate

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