Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Overthrow the whole house this is God's land not these pharaohs

Overthrow the whole house this is God's land not these pharaohs ! Again I would like to take this time to remind all the deceived freemasons you have no right nor memorial in Jerusalem! Your inheritance is first crying let the rocks fall on us then weeping and gnashing of teeth eternal damnation . you wicked rulers of the white house this land is full of abominations and that house is full of deceit lies trickery fraud . you've used illusions and artificial crisis pandemic that you all have been panhandling .. While the great reset finishes up it's planing to present total chaos because the deceived freemasons believe order rises from it.. Soon the restraining power is removed the Antichrist reveals himself the mark of the beast war with the Saints  and you know how this all ends you lose the war with Lamb Jesus wins. You shall have no other gods before you. The white house lets every false god in all the statues pagan goddesses all your graven images . Judgment will come . all readers of this comment repent and believe the Gospel. Jesus is the one true God all others are false. Repent of innocent blood shedding of aborted babies repent of homosexuality repent of your violence murders innocent blood that is shed brutalities corruptions deceit injustices idol worship covetousness idolatry adultery divorces falsehoods witchcraft sorceries divination occultism Freemasons islam satanism fornications playing the harlot under every green tree . this land will be laid waste repent and believe the Gospel the wrath of God abides on the children of disobedience. You've forsaken the fountain of living waters and hewn to yourselves broken cisterns that can hold no water break up your fallow ground you stiffnecked rebellious people. Repent and be saved in the Name of Jesus there is no other way. No repentance invites Judgment and wrath.

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