Monday, November 23, 2020

Jesus is King in this Gospel

 Jesus is the KING of kings He is the KING of Glory the KING of all Nations. The Lord commands that all people through out all nations repent.

Choose this day whom you will serve today is the day of salvation . Jesus is the way the truth and the Life there is no other way there is no other name by which we should be saved.
we are either children of obedience or children of disobedience . and the wrath of God does abide on the children of disobedience .
it is because of God's mercy and longsuffering and compassions that fail not that the unrepentant have not been destroyed . the night is far spent the day is at hand the end of all things is at hand what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul ? where do you want to spend eternity daily blindly multitudes choose the way that leads to destruction where many enter therein at the wide gate . Narrow is the way which leads unto life and few there be that find it.
in this Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ - it requires that we repent and be converted. this Gospel requires aa person to be born again of water and spirit this Gospel requires us to count the cost deny our self take up our cross and follow Jesus. This Gospel requires us to walk by Faith not by sight , this Gospel requires that we live by faith. this Gospel requires we seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.
in this Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ you shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free. in this Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ if you don't forgive you won't be forgiven. how many times do you forgive we live a lifestyle of forgiveness there is no limitation to how many times we forgive . we are to be merciful loving forgiving humble meek longsuffering and not partial with anyone.
in this Gospel the life of the believer is one of taking no thought of what we will eat or drink or how we will be clothed. Jesus said the gentiles seek after all these things . Jesus said our Heavenly Father knows that we have need of all these things and they will be added unto us .
This Gospel requires we revile not and that we endure hardship. and this Gospel for the life of the believer you're signing up to be in a war a end times war against the saints of God.

In this Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ if the love of the world is in you then the love of the Father is not in you . Therefore declaring you unconverted with the wrath of God abiding on you. Repent and believe the Gospel

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