Saturday, October 3, 2020

we know neither the day time nor hour

We know neither the day time nor hour when Jesus comes. He said take heed watch and pray. many things today in this world offer distractions to seduce and lure you away from your watch your prayer fellowship and communion with the Lord Himself . when you're partaking in the offered distractions of this world the many that there be that pull you away from prayer the reading of the Living word of God meditating on His word keeping our mind stayed upon Him examining our hearts often . in the Book of 2 Corinthians chapter 13 beginning at verse 5 the instruction to examine ourselves is written saying to us Examine yourselves to see  if you be in the faith prove your own selves how that Jesus Christ is in you , except you be reprobates. 

the purpose of examining ourselves is to see .. he said prove your own selves . later in Philippians He says work out your own salvation with fear and trembling . self examination must be according to God's word when we read His word His word reads us and that's why many like to approach the word like a Buffet pick and choose what feels good to the flesh like love compassion peace and so those they know one side of God and end up recreating God in their own vain imaginations a God who is ok with habitual sin abortion homosexuality and the many carnal things that carnal flesh loves and lusts after. these have deceived themselves in their own heart and vain imaginations these have received the Grace of God in vain and have turned His grace into lasciviousness as if they are delivered to do abominations. these are the as in the days of Noah times many are unable to discern the times and are not taking oil into their lamps many have been seduced by flatteries witchcraft and divination. rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft so even if you do not intentionally practice or seek witchcraft your rebellion to God is as the sin of witchcraft. the truth of the matter is cursed are they who reject Christ . America it's people and nations have been taken into troubled waters . troubled waters can cleanse and they can destroy . be sober be vigilant the devil is roaring about seeking whom he may devour he comes to steal kill and to destroy. cling to Jesus with your faith rooted in Him who is the Author and finisher of it. seek Him those who see their seeing will not be dim those who hear their hearing will not be dull. come out from among the speeches of many things and return to the Living word of God. let your speech be of Grace seasoned with salt your light shining standing boldly with the whole armour of God on . daniel says and he shall wear out the saints . wear out means afflict wear out in a mental sense mental affliction remember How the Lord says be renewed in the spirit of your mind keep the whole armour of God on and your mind is covered with the helmet of salvation a sound mind . a mind that is stayed upon the Lord is a mind kept in perfect peace. resist the devil and he will flee draw near to God and He will draw near to you. in Matthew chapter 4 Jesus set the examine on how to respond to the enemy.

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