Wednesday, October 21, 2020

He who has an ear to hear let him hear

 If we yield to the spirit of the Lord follow after the spirit of the Lord and walk in the spirit of the Lord we cannot sin because He is Holy He is righteous He is without sin there is no sin in Christ. If we yield to the flesh follow after the flesh and walk in the flesh we will sin . we must live by faith and walk in it not fashioning ourselves like as the world not conforming to the ways of the world not putting those garments of filthy rags back on .

the Lost the unconverted the gentiles are under law . we are under Grace whereby we are given the Holy Spirit to so fulfil the law by the manifold grace given unto us by the power of the Holy spirit . this is saving grace we are saved by grace through faith made possible through the cross of Christ the very price we have been bought by His finished perfect work

We keep His commandments by His spirit that empowers us made possible by His manifold grace . The Lord takes away the stony places of the heart that have been hardened by the deceitfulness of sin . He gives us a new heart one heart and puts His spirit in us making a new man from the old born again of water and of spirit a new creation in Christ . therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creature old things are passed away behold all things are become new.

our debt paid in full it is finished the veil is torn spiritual eyes opened we have been given through the Gracious finished work of Christ access to the Father access to the mercy seat access to the Holy of Holies by this amazing grace we are imputed the righteousness of Christ His spirit in us that fulfils His law and keeps His commandments. and By His spirit man remade in His image born again reconciled back to God sins forgiven and remembered no more . we have been given access to the Father Let us therefore come boldly to His throne of Grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need .

may we walk live and Grow in Grace and keep ourselves unspotted from the world. there is virtue to be added to faith. virtue means power. may we fear God and keep His commandments and not receive His precious Grace in vain or turn it into lasciviousness .

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