Friday, October 9, 2020

fruit inspection

The Lord comes to inspect the fruit of the tree and comes again to see if the fruit remains and if it has multiplied increased.   And the devil he is always roaring about seeking whom he may devour the devil comes seeking us out looking at the basket of fruit he looks at us doesn’t like what he sees good fruit is a threat that endangers the  fruit of the ones he has corrupted so the enemy walks about seeking to devour he sows seeds of doubt unbelief fear hate resentment bitterness offense betrayal lust gossip slander mischief discord strife contentions defrauding accusations lies hypocrisy bearing false witness love of money the kingdoms of the world and glory of them covetousness divorce cheating anger bullying deception deceit flatteries false hopes false peace false compassion false humility jealousy envy idols adultery and then he entices seduces and tries to make the bait look attractive enough appealing enough to our flesh to try and get us to make one compromise that’s leads to a whirl wind of sin and destruction. Don’t take the bait the devil when he comes to entice and seduce with a lie he doesn’t present it to you as a recognizable lie the bait is wrapped in an appealing manner that entices flesh to lust and get into war against the spirit of God the devil seeks to pollute and corrupt and lead us astray. Know your enemies watch and pray be sober be vigilant the devil watches and preys on us roaring about seeking to devour. The devil sought out Peter and requested to sift Peter as wheat the Lord said Simon , Simon satan has desired to sift you as wheat Jesus said but I have prayed for you that your faith fail not and then gave Simon instruction for after sifting Jesus said and when you are converted strengthen your brethren. This is found in Luke 22:31-32

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