Sunday, April 5, 2020

The Times and times

We've seen the chaos produced the fear the panic . various forms of martial law have been administered in small doses . peak weak is coming for hotspots they claim.. Trump has declared and warned of a rough week ahead said there will be death . bill gates wants the whole world vaccinated says gatherings won't come back until then. The beast system is rising to new levels . seek the Lord the only way to prepare set your house in order with God Almighty.

Social distancing limits what the church can do not talking about the building the church gather in talking about the people . God is taking the church back to it's original design and function as the body. As for the buildings not one stone will be left unturned. We've enter the days where we shall obey God and not man. Where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty freedom not these chains and shackles that the world is currently wearing now. City set on a hill that cannot be hid rise up don't shut up the Gift of God in you.

abortion clinics are essential but the church building isn't... well in the Bible there is a verse for that. They call evil good and good evil
Many states many nation's have innocent blood on their hands as well as those who voted for it to begin with. In the sight of God it's more than just murder it's innocent blood shedding. Time to repent

Paid programming deception antichrist agendas beats system rising the Anthchrist Will rise to power soon they're prepping their viewers . illuminati
Beyond the virus and death's there is much more going on that so many don't realize because all they see and hear is virus and the devastation and chaos it's caused don't get me wrong Im not minimizing people ill sick or those that have died just saying the less obvious So much evil going on . slow portions of martial law being ushered in headed toward world order where every right you ever knew will be history of the past  while things accelerate it's ushering in more and more controls

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In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God

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