Wednesday, April 15, 2020

the art of war behind the masks of covid part one

The art of war behind the scenes and masks of covid19 a pandemic a virus of many viruses. 

So many people have been fear mongered to the point of panic . there has been so many inconsistencies in report's and so many different news reports video's live feeds and articles circulating around social media platforms.

The fear mongered can be easily seen aside from the mask and gloves fear panic worry and high level anxiety is on their faces and in their eye's. They walk in stores like zombies gloves masks sanitizer looking and staring you can almost hear their thoughts it's so obvious they look fearfully upon the crowd's like they're freaking out with fear panic anxiety and worry looking staring wondering if the person next to them behind them in front and on the side of them has covid19. 
Symptom checking every person around them.

Blindly the fearmongered beg and cry for order and more order. Forms of marshal law have crept in and slowly in small portions and doses invaded and infected Americans . so many are fighting for our rights to be stripped from us as they beg and cry for order. The executive orders in place for michigan alone are extremely ridiculous.

Close the schools close the church's keep lotto essential and alcohol essential ?? That alone speaks volumes and says a lot about the direction plan and clever strategy behind the masks of covid19. Abortion clinics were allowed to stay open says a lot speaks volumes if you're listening.

These agendas of the political are antichrist agendas. congregations of christians access to gathering in the church building has been shut off. Censorship on media and censorship of info. Controlled information the internet has become like paid programming guess we missed their vision when tv took to the internet with youtube tv netflix Amazon tv etc.. 

There are so many masked agendas behind the masks of covid19. The virus that is packed with viruses plaguing the world. The government and it's system's lord itself and it's agendas over the people. 

They use and abuse crisis tragedies epidemics pandemics and scamdemics for profit . there is so much dishonest gain in this system of system's. It's evil corrupt twisted full of deceit and trickery. 

Governors will reveal their true character and intents in this time. Whitmer specifically needs to be removed. She is not for the people or the prosperity of people she has shown she will go to great lengths and turn michigan into a police state using forms of martial law . she has order the orders that threatens a already suffering and struggling people. The witch is rebuked . rise up michigan. Rise up Americans all over the world. Take back time. 

The art of war behind the masked agendas behind the masks of covid19 is self destruct. All system's are set on self destruct.  Keep the lottery essential let people self destruct self depopulate. Keep alcohol essential let them self destruct and self depopulate. Keep the church building closed forbid home gatherings and public gatherings follow social distancing guidelines because hugs are good for people increasing dopamine and serotonin levels. Keep the people bound as prisoners make them prisoners of deception lies trickery clever slavery disease viruses weaponize them against one another. Let them panic and out of feaf make rash decisions and spend money foolishly stocking up and hoarding let them drain their savings easier to enslave them. 

The art of this war will collaspe banks the banking system as whole to generate a need for a one world bank. This art of war will collaspe health care system's creating need for order field hospitals and military doctors. The law enforcement system will collaspe creating need for military police to police Americans through marshal law style policing .

The art of this war will change the education system . it has to collaspe to create digital class rooms students and teachers. 

The art of this war has blinded many dumbed them down desensitized them stolen their ability to decide and think for themselves. This art of war forbids any to preach Jesus as this art of war calls for world government one world order one religion where they continue to try and play God. 

Out of this art of war has risen many antichrist agendas and out of this art of war the Antichrist will soon rise.

In October 2019 in newyork bill gates had a meeting of evil antichrist agendas.simulations simulating how many would die from this outbreak we have now. Strategically they've planned a short term mid term and long term goal they wish to generate and expressed that in their simulations.  Event 201 . drop the zero and all ya have is agenda 21 depopulate. Not long after the October meeting covid19 begins in November in china.. In 2019 their was a failed impeachment and removal of trump. Their was in 2019 failure to notify the people of the outbreak. 

This art of war ushered in great illusions and delusions in times past and times present . these strategies have gained them greater access and invasions into the lives and privacy of the people. They cleverly twist bend change and manipulate times and laws to their benefit for their profits. 

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