Friday, April 3, 2020

evil days ahead of covid19

Masonic fraternal order. Evil evil people need to wake up Any thing for the state and the .government to make money gotta get it best they can with all the non essential American workers out of work. Every thing essential state still getting paid tax and government . this is martial law in a form just hasn't fully manifested in it's fullness of evil yet. Militarized Police state in a form. Flint on city wide curfew state parks closing . dnr will heavily target unlicensed and expired license fishermen for profit more than ever before. Everything is changing while news media corporates with pushing the fear and panic agenda their right on track as you can tell they've slowly ushered in the next level of evil on the people . gross darkness these times are very evil. Turn to Jesus who has overcome the world He came that you might have life and life abundantly. The demonic system that enslaves very cleverly capitalizes off life and death cost of living cost of dying politics support their own agendas hasn't been about the people in a very long time. Look Pelosi had a long list of selfish agendas before agreement for relief checks they claimed they wanted to get them out to the people quickly meanwhile people still waiting. The unemployment filing increase did you see the rise ? The beast system rising to its next level influenced by devil's soon they'll kill the " rebels " conspiracy conspiracy right ? Just look back in the history they teach slaughter slaughter racism conquer and divide. Slavery never went away we all work for the system every one paying in taxes but can't get the help in time of crisis when needed no relief checks yet. Working on check points in the near future they already got hotspots outlined on the map strategically planned invasions trained in persuasion the whole system controlled by high level Mason's they're a fraternal order look into it ... They target the one's who expose their evil works hate the truth hate God deceitful occult of fallen angels of light they seduce and deceive with false compassion and good morals but the truth is they're all for Adam and steve some even change over tranny ... They corrupt True holiness they're the ungodly they have scribes and pahrisees grandmasters and high priest then you got the free and accepted who've been deceived and converted for evil disguised by quotes like for the greater good. Mason's want to rule everything so does islam Mason's end game is trying to get islam to take out Christianity . islam wants to rule the world too sounds like we have a vicious war ahead but those who know Jesus know that He wins the repentant who are born again shall see the kingdom of God. There is no other Name by which we should be saved salvation and eternal life is found in Jesus alone and none can come to Him except through the Father. Forgiveness of sins come from the death and crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ who was given to the world on our behalf to stand in the gap for our sins that we could be forgiven redeemed made new and receive eternal life. Narrow is the way which leads to life and few there be that find it. Broad is the way that leads to destruction. The Antichrist will rise to power soon and all will be forced to take the mark of the beast and if refused they'll say to you , you cannot buy or sell they'll try to instill fear at the end of guns they'll persecute and kill Christians will be martyred. These are unprecedented measures we've see and experienced in 2020. Pray and seek the Lord while He may be found He wills not that any should perish but that all would come to repentance confess your sin with your mouth confess Jesus Christ is Lord and believe the Gospel. God always has a plan what the enemy meant for evil God will take and turn for our good and for His glory. Have no fear trust in the Lord His coming is very near bible prophecy is unfolding faster things have begun to accelerate at great speeds these time are the beginning of sorrows read matthew 24 Mark 13 Luke 21 read daniel and revelations. 2nd Timothy 3 . God is giving people a space to repent in these circumstances families and relationships can grow stronger be reunited etc.. This is a time for all of the world to forsake our idols and for many to forsake false gods sorcery divination and occult. It's time to denounce those things and the riches of the world. Can you not see we've destroyed ourselves for lack of knowledge so busy so robotic in this punch the clock pay your taxes system. God shall supply all of our need . will you trust Him in time of crisis pain sickness disease pain death loss of things money and materials? This time being out of the normal routines God is shaking the world to wake up cursed is the man who trusts in man and the arm of flesh. Seek first the kingdom of God now is a time God is showing us what we truly treasure and what treasures we've been storing up earthly or heavenly . out of His great mercy grace and everlasting love He is shaking the world to repent look up His coming is near . the unrepentant will have bad news. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth torment. Do not bow your knee to baal whose report will you believe ? Repent and believe the Gospel the kingdom of Heaven has come near you.

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