Tuesday, January 1, 2019
He who has an ear to hear let him hear what the Spirit of the Lord says unto the churches
The Lord God Almighty qualifies us for the open door that He sets before us as an open door that no man can shut. We will always know if we have gone through the right door Jesus is the door when it's the Lord no man can shut the door. Weapons may form but they shall not prosper opposition will arise even persecutions, but the gates of Hell shall not prevail against the church that is the Lord's and is founded upon the Rock. Jesus is a sure foundation even when the rains descended and when the floods came and even when the winds blew it fell not because it's founded on the Rock. . For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid which is Jesus Christ, He is the head of His church and it shall again rise and be a house of prayer. Our body is His Temple the vessels the Lord inhabits are a house of prayer outside the four walls and inside the 4 walls, in our homes in the work place the highways and the byways even the market place. The fields are white ready for harvest the harvest is truly plenteous but the Labour's are few, who will go rise up with your whole heart and respond send me. Count the cost it is one of taking up a cross of self denial presenting your body a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto God. This is who the Lord will use seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Many have preached another gospel gone astray after their own ways to build bigger churches full of entertainment and programs that do not save. The righteous are bold as a lion the one's the Lord has called raised up and qualified are full of His spirit with the high praises of God in their mouth and a two-edged sword in hand. All that can be shaken will be shaken. Those of one mind and are in one accord are rising lost will be saved, these church leaders have forsaken the true Gospel that brings salvation. They quote much but never preach the blood of His cross His crucifixion and resurrection they do mention but they dodge every scripture that mentions sin and brings conviction, they've become ashamed and brutish . They do not preach repent and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for remission of sins. A form of Godliness they hold denying the power thereof. Away with the preaching that leaves people unchanged you've tried to clone Christ and make one who never changes any one never turns them from sin. No one gets set free under your religious timed 3 point sermons and dead service. Repent and believe the Gospel. You do draw near with your mouth having a heart far from God. Give no place to the devil , let him who stole steal no more Jesus is the door turn really turn to the Lord. By Jesus if any one enter in they shall be saved and shall go in and out and find pasture. Jesus is the good shepherd, the good shepherd gives His life for His sheep. The thief comes to steal kill and to destroy and grievous wolves have drawn disciples after them seducing spirits and doctrines of devils turn from it and turn to Jesus with the whole heart, He has drawn you called you Jesus stands at the door and knocks, harden nor your heart any longer. Come all who are thirsty.
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