Friday, December 28, 2018

he who has an ear to hear let him hear what the Spirit says unto the churches

he who has an ear to hear let him hear what the spirit says to the churches You leaders in the church buildings pastors and board members who have forsaken the Lord return to your first love with your whole heart . If you do not heed what the Lord has spoken to you showed you and tried to correct you on your removal soon comes.  The removal of your candlestick except you repent. Christ is the head of the church and He is taking His church back. The Lord will come quickly to fight against some of you leaders with the sword of His mouth you've refused to repent. And have kept on with Your deceptive performances on stage and at your pulpits you've tried and tried to orchestrate moves of God. You've kicked Christ out as head of the church and have yielded to fleshy lusts and itching ears. The Holy Spirit has not been welcomed and so your circus show and stand up comedy and entertainment has continued yet wondering why none have been set free and do wonder why your church is not filled.  Your flesh has been in the way yielding to it's lusts you've turned what is supposed to be a house of prayer into a house of fleshy lusts and money changing tables selling many things using the Name above every name for your advertisements.  O ye of little faith with your money changing tables and excuses and many ways you try to justify making merchandise.

 The Lord is going to restore the church back to a house of prayer and place of authentic worship.  the church where the Lord gave specific detailed instructions they've failed to heed and ignored and rejected God's hand of correction .for their own gains and fleshly lusts.they have adopted a world view at determining and measuring success. All the rubbish programs and how to books the making of many books when the Lord says seek ye out of the Book of the Lord . You've adopted many useless programs and forms of entertainment keeping the flock from growth. You've drawn them backwards with your flattery and seducing spirits. You've not made disciples your programs are programs of fake discipleship. Repent 

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