Thursday, December 27, 2018

Always hope even if you feel all hope is lost

Even if you feel like all hope is lost there is a blessed Hope in Christ still doesn't matter what you've done , Jesus went to the cross shedding His Blood for the sins of the world even that one that you feel like He won't forgive you for. Sin separates us from God and Jesus bridged the gap for us to cross over from death to life. While we were yet sinners Christ died for the ungodly. He says come all who call upon His Name shall be saved. Come in faith believing in the finished work at the cross. Come as you are I promise He will not leave you as you are. His Grace is sufficient His strength perfected in our weakness everything that we've tried to change on our own and can't Jesus can. Peace like a river awaits to flow into your heart His peace surpasses all understanding He has mercy that endures forever Joy unspeakable there is a rest in Him for all who are weary and heavy laden. The heavy weight of life's regrets stress and anxieties will be lifted off your chest and the weight of the load carried on your back will be lightened.  His love is everlasting oh how He loves us. The tomb is empty He's not there Christ is risen and has gone to prepare a place for us. Come to Jesus He is The way The Truth and The Life. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed. I don't have a sinners prayer for you to recite pray from the desperation of your heart as you call upon the Lord Jesus . When Jesus hung on the cross in two thieves were hanging next to Him. One of the thieves said Lord our punishment is just the thief made confession Jesus you are Lord and the thief also made confession the punishment of his sin was just he acknowledged he was wretched a sinner who deserved punishment and the thief says after that Lord I only ask that when you enter paradise remember me. Jesus responds to the thief and says of a truth I tell on this day you will be with me in paradise.  The other thief rejected Jesus.  So I say that to say this again I have no sinners prayer for any one to recite or repeat after me because like that thief on the cross next to Jesus your call to Jesus has to come from the heart.

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