Monday, March 9, 2015

Treasure Earthly and Heavenly

when you lay up in store for yourselves treasures on earth, that's treasures to rust to be stolen, to be forgotten , temporal treasures can never compare to treasures in Heaven. treasures in Heaven are of Eternal worth, never to be lost or stolen, never to be forgotten . so many have the mindset that ya only have one life to live so live it to the fullest and they live it building and losing gaining and taking , hardly ever giving . our life here our life now counts towards Eternity , the grave isn't the last stop it's not the final resting place for man. there are two places to dwell - Heaven or Hell ! many claim to be Christian in name and by word but live without action that matches the description of Christian. any man can say he is a electrician , he might even have all the tools and people might believe him , but its when you give him a job that you find out if he is or isn't

people spend their whole life trying to be great , trying to accomplish what makes them look and feel successful and some accomplish it but when they do the chase doesn't stop there they chase more and more because it's never enough to fill the empty void in them because the void can only be filled by one the heart of man can only truly be satisfied when its resting in the arms of Christ wholly surrendered to the King

ya can't keep drinking poison and expect to live in wholeness . friend only Jesus can give wholeness to a broken life

hope for the broken , healing for the wounded , redemption for the lost reconciliation , forgiveness all made possible through Jesus

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