Friday, January 23, 2015

be enlightened with this Truth

we cannot enter into the Lords Rest by trying to fight trials temptations & spiritual warfare in our fleshly power & strength . God does instruct us to resist the devil, God wasn't saying fight in your own strength wisdom or ability but rather come to me enter into my rest through prayer seeking His face and His strength . the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak . The Lord said My Grace is sufficient for thee and His strength is perfected in our weakness. Jesus said without Me you can do nothing. we enter into His rest by prayer there we submit to Him and there we resist the devil and the devil will flee.

walking in the spirit is walking in total dependence in the Lord alone , having no confidence in the flesh and trusting the spirit of the Lord produce the Righteousness of Christ in us ! it is impossible to please God in the flesh trying to be righteous and good in our own power and strength is works of the flesh that cannot please God

when your situation seems impossible your in good hands if you believe that there is nothing too hard for God and with Him all things are possible ya may have to go into your prayer closet and repent of doubt & unbelief . it is easy to tell someone else hold on seek the Lord don't give up have faith and you believe it for them but sometimes when you're going through it and ya get down cast ya begin to doubt and unbelief sets in and that is when it is time to repent . don't al...low the devil to stop you from praying for unsaved loved ones or anything just because you don't see the evidence or results right away like ya want. the just shall live by faith. keep praying keep believing wage war and refuse to give up . keep praying no matter what the circumstances look like don't waiver . James says let him ask in faith nothing wavering ( no doubting) for he who wavers is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.

we need to look at our trials from the right perspective ! often we look at our trials from the wrong perspective and we become cast down. our trial has been approved just a Jobs was. God said satan have you considered My servant Job and then we have the scripture Luke 22:31 And the Lord said. Simon Simon behold satan has desired to have you that he may sift you as wheat. verse 32 Jesus says But I have prayed for you, that your faith fail not and when you are converted, strengthen your brethren. brothers and sister we ought to view trials from the right perspective our trials are approved before they come . the trials will show us where our heart is, and we definitely will see our weaknesses and imperfections which is a good thing because then we become open to be corrected by the Lord in certain areas and strengthened . so much fruit can come through our trials

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