Monday, December 1, 2014

social media that ain't social

social media that ain't social each profile a pulpit speaking to the pews like churches a lot of verses and quotes people quoting people this social media steeple many forgot the call to serve and made their calling a job like a 9 to 5 hello do this do that goodbye until we get back service times with no service to get prayer ya got submit your request everybody dressed like sunday best afraid to be transparent when life is a mess dressed to impress look at me status's masking the struggle behind this social media mask many broken many hurting struggling and suffering no place of fellowship this social media that ain't social clicks and circles like the church people loving the uppermost seat (front row) no place for the hurting & the broken prayer requests unspoken it's like we shut the door of hope in sleep as people speak hear their cries see the pain in their eyes through profile pics time ticks and people come to this media day in day out looking to call someone out shut them out drowned them out and speak louder filthy self righteous rags bragging and boasting speaking out but not reaching out media credit good look at my likes if you ain't with my group take a hike people pleasing and self hype every day is open mic are you open tonight to allow Christ to take over ? quick to listen slow to speak  are ya ready to walk being meek ? bear ye one anothers burdens and so fulfill the Law of Christ .  social media that ain't social tweets speak for us like we lost our vocals people and homes becoming antisocial no time for a conversation, frustration and starvation a systematically designed vacation don't get it twisted this is not accusation but a reality of truth we fight people when we ought to be  fighting the principality that is controlling not just the youth but our homes cell phones and gadgets while it all can be a vehicle of communication we have lost sight of the beauty in creation instagram selfies the modeling agency of self love facebook the book of many faces status's and icons it's like a python coiled around life choking and squeezing it out of many. don't get it twisted there are plenty of good uses for such things as media when the balance is right. look at what it's become use to incite riots of hate a place to arrange dates to click up and discriminate a place of  politics twisted logics self promotion in place of daily devotion a place of motions and masks look at what it has become .consuming life into isolation

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