Sunday, November 23, 2014

through valleys dark nights deep sorrows heaviness and heart break stay the course

through valleys dark nights deep sorrows heaviness and heart break stay the course when nothing makes sense when you feel like giving up keep standing even when you feel like you can barely stand and when ya feel like you can't take another step . Jesus is still there ya just gotta pull away from the circumstances and noise so you can hear Him speak. sometimes the circumstances tempt us to doubt and in our own strength we try to figure it all out. just gotta trust that the Lord has a plan and give everything into His hands. when you're going through it is when you find out who is really there for you. when you discover them to be few don't be discouraged and don't become offended . because you went through it and made it out you will have the compassion to be there for them when they need you. 
remember this ---> To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

it is good to have someone to talk to when you're going through stuff . someone who will truly compassionately listen. Jesus is that friend who will always compassionately listen when your heart is heavy and your strength is weak .when all the odds are stacked against you and you feel like you can barely stand and many thoughts are running through your mind with many questions . Jesus is that friend who sticks closer than a brother He will always have the time and take the time to listen with compassion. people are often busy and plan their own course and brush ya off but Jesus will never do that.

when a house is remodeled everything old is torn down and ripped out before it is restored and made new. do you feel like that like your being torn down and ripped out? if so surrender to the Lord and let Him do His work and rip out whatever needs to be removed from your life, let Him tear down any strongholds that have built walls in your mind & heart. Trust in the Lord. when the vessel is in the refiners fire the heart is being purged it may be painful . remember the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked. but the Lord knows the heart He tries our heart. sometimes there are hidden things that we either can't see or ignored but the Lord sees it all. you will grow through this so hang on to God . sometimes in this process we may lose friends jobs etc.. whatever it may be its worth it and there is a purpose.

don't be discouraged in times of brokenness . we were all broken when the Lord called us to Him and in our brokenness He did a Mighty work in us and through us. circumstances can be overwhelming and sometimes with all that is happening in the Life of the believer we get discouraged even times feel broken . personally I have been through seasons where I felt so broken and it seemed like everything in my life was falling apart but it was in my brokenness and weakness that the Lord was drawing me to a greater trust in Him and a more intimate relationship . see there were times when I couldn't bring myself to even pray and in those times I have witnessed God's power at work in my life carrying me when I couldn't walk and holding me together when everything around me was falling apart. enduring this I learned a valuable lesson to be still and trust in the Lord with all of my heart . .it seems that in my brokenness I learned to be more sensitive to the leading of the Holy spirit and i was filled with more compassion for people and was able to quickly and clearly recognize the needs of people and more effectively minister to those needs . since that very first season of enduring such things my prayer has been Lord keep me broken if thats what it takes because most of my growth has came in my brokenness its in the trials and storms of life that we grow the most

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