Wednesday, November 5, 2014

it is time for you the get back the Joy of the Lord the Joy of His salvation.

it is time for you the get back the Joy of the Lord the Joy of His salvation.
many have become discouraged distracted and weary. some have been wounded from things people have said and done to them, wounds of past hurts may have resurfaced . some may even be questioning whats the purpose any more . God made you to live in victory not defeat. God has ordained for you to have joy not depression. even in the midst of dark times trouble and chaos the Lord has ordained for you to have joy in Christ by His sufficient Grace .
you might be praying and praying and it may seem like nothing is changing so you feel like the Lord isn't hearing your prayers. just because nothing is changing right now doesn't mean the Lord isn't hearing you. maybe things are doing nothing but get worse, that doesn't mean the Lord isn't hearing you and it doesn't mean He has forsaken you. this might just be a season of endurance and perserverance for you to test your faithfulness and draw you closer to the Lord to a greater trust in the Lord. don't give up and don't lose hope just because things are hard right now. keep trusting in the Lord with all of your heart keep seeking Him with all of your heart. don't turn to the left or to the right focus forward the way is straight and narrow . narrow means divine conditions suffering and afflictions .
press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

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