Saturday, October 11, 2014

word from the Lord

Trumpets blowing alarms sounding warning the time is urgent yet many fail to take heed , many fail to seek the Lord about the warnings many brush it off calling those who sound the alarm of warning Judgemental and critical . because you have a one sided view because you have itching ears for smooth talk and flattery you heed not the warnings and hear no truth in love that is spoken through warning. set thy House in order ! get off the fence you have been called to be set apart you have been called out . why do you strive to please men ? why do you try so hard to fit in and blend in ? why do ye call Me Lord Lord and do not the things I say ? Examine yourselves to see whether you be in the faith. examine thyself according to the parable of the sowers ! confess your sin and repent. you have willingly and knowingly compromised for the sake of pleasing men. going through the motions will never satisfy nor will they fill the empty void that have . it is written Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled ! your motions and your mask wear you out trying to maintain a christian image religious foolishness it is , you have been called to be transformed by the power of the Most High God into the image of Christ a new creation. repent fear the Lord and depart from evil.

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