Friday, September 12, 2014

don't believe satans lies embrace God's Truth and live

don't believe the lies of satan. satan tells you that its too hard you can't stop doing it and you can't change your mind . the devil is a liar

everyday people change their mind about something. one might say or plan to go see a movie and then they change their mind and see it a different day or at a different time. how many times in life have you faced hard challenges and thought you couldn't do it but then you thought well it doesn't hurt to try or you thought well I am gonna try anyways and if I cant do it then I'll try again ?

you gotta want it you gotta try and you gotta believe it is not too hard to endure it is not too hard to overcome . it is written we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. it is written faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. be renewed in the spirit of your mind .
break that mindset that says its too hard break that mind set by being renewed in the spirit of your mind with the word of God. Jesus is the bread of life He is the fountain of living water . Jesus is the Vine we are the branches . think of what a vine is to the branches the vine is the source that gives life to the branches . if you go to a vine and cut the branches off disconnecting them from the vine then the branches dry out wither and die
stay connected to Jesus The Vine He is the source of Life we must continue to abide in Him and His word. He is the Living Word that breathes life into us. His Grace is sufficient His strength is perfected in our weakness.

oh when we are weak He is strong and Mighty when we are weak the Lord is Rightly Glorified. it is when a man decreases that HE INCREASES. The Lord has provided & empowered us with His sufficient Grace to be overcomers and to be more than conquerors.

too many times we often complain & murmur when the heat is turned up in the fiery furnance and we are tried. there is a secret place of the most high for us to dwell under the shadow of the Almighty a place of refuge and fortress a covering of deliverance we have been chosen and called into this fellowship & communion with God .He wants to empower and equip us so that when we walk through the valley of the shadow of death we will fear no evil. The Lord wants our whole heart He wants to empower each vessel that calls upon His Name and trusts in Him. God has an ordained will plan and purpose for our lives . we have only scratched the surface HE wants us to Grow in His Grace and the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ He wants us to grow and walk in the fullness of His joy

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