Wednesday, August 20, 2014

what you feed is what will grow

Feed bitterness it will grow feed depression it will grow feed your stress by focusing more and more on all that's wrong it will grow . feed this race war the media is creating racism will grow like it has and riots will break out. gotta redirect your focus feed your faith and it will grow ! every one is well aware of how evil the days we are living in are right now. but how many Christians are willing to take a stand and start praying without ceasing and then stand up and be salt and light in the midst of all of the darkness ? persecution is real and it will come but if you have counted the cost to follow Jesus then you know you will be hated by the world you will suffer and be persecuted. you cannot carry a cross without suffering! judge not lest ye be judged is the most quoted scripture by the majority of Christian church buildings when a bold Christian who refuse to compromise preaches against sins they are called judgemental . why though if someone steals from you do you call them a thief? doesn't make sense that you can call them a thief because they stoled from you but yet if a Christian brother or sister speaks against certain sin in your life you call them judgemental. hypocritical huh ? yep and if you would keep reading past that verse judge not lest ye be judged then you would see that the judgement Jesus spoke against was those who hypocritical Judge having the same spec in their eyes. example of hypocritical judgement is this --> if I was stealing and I tell you to repent of stealing then that's hypocritical.
many '' Christians '' miss the fact that Jesus instructs us to judge with righteous Judgement . when Jesus spoke about false prophets Jesus said you would know them by their fruit . how will you know them by their fruit if you aren't Judging ? how can you be ok with abortion which is murder but you are furious about a cop killing someone ? hypocritical of you ? yes it is. if you were about to walk into a building highly contagious of a disease that can kill you would you want some one to warn you ? of course you would. so why do you get upset when some one warns you of things that will spiritually kill you and things that are leading you on a path to hell ?

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