Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Return to the preaching of the Gospel

Return to the preaching of the Gospel. unto us who are saved it is the power of God. be not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes. this Gospel message sets captives free. many in the church and many in the world live unaware of the Gospel of Christ. Jesus came to seek and save the Lost. soon He is coming back to gather His people. the wheat... gets gathered into His barn, the tares are gathered to be burned. weeping and gnashing of teeth. do you love thy neighbor enough to tell them about the Gospel ? as Leonard Ravenhill said we need a mighty avalanche of conviction of sin. we compare ourselves with other Christians because in doing so we feel justified we feel better about us, it makes us look like a better Christian in our own eyes when we pick through the crowd of hypocrites and talk about their walk. lets be honest look in the mirror and talk about our walk, Repent and then follow the way Christ walked. and lets not forget Christ came to adopt sinners
It's not enough to just hear sermons, we all need a relationship with the Lord. a daily abiding relationship. fellowship with other believers is good, but we all need some set apart alone time with the Lord , to sit at His feet listen to His voice and hear a word from His mouth.

You cannot walk with God if your not seeking Him. relationship matters without relationship you wont grow spiritually. without listening how can you hear ? without reading His word how can your faith be fed ? your faith is starving motions got you spinning out of control trying to look christian. just be real with yourself and with God He already knows, there is nothing hidden from Him. the way is narrow don't take any detours the view make look pleasurable to the flesh but the end result is spiritual destruction. Turn to Jesus , Trust Him, we can do nothing without Him.

A people in denial but not of self, How Long will four walls keep the Gospel hid from them who are Lost ? Father God the passion of Your Heart that sent Jesus to lay down His life and take up the cross, let that same passion conform our hearts to do Your will, and lay down our lives taking up our cross, reaching for the Lost. the more I seek You Lord the more I find You, the more I grow the more I realize it's not about a building, we are Your Building your church are Body Your Temple.

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