Friday, September 20, 2013

Breaking News a Nationwide state of emergency has been issued until further notice

Breaking News a Nationwide state of emergency has been issued until further notice. sinners on deathrow, paying its wages aint no telling what the death tole is gonna be. this Nationwide state of emergency remains in effect until the people repent and turn to God. innocent blood is shed daily babies being aborted Homosexuality murders and violence drug overdoses suicide's , idolatry, adultery etc..... the list is long. the church has been paralyzed by religious men who refuse to Go the great commission forsaken for their own vision's entertainment etc.. take heed to the word of God, Jesus said except you repent you shall perish. the Jesus in the Bible loves us enough to confront sin and call people to repentance. the Jesus in the Bible said go and sin no more lest a worst thing come upon you. wake up keep sleeping and refusing to repent and a worst thing will come upon the people through out the Nations. wrath and Judgement will not always be held back, when the cup of iniquity is full then the cup of wrath is poured out. many are praying for America to be saved, pray for the people stop trying to save the American dream, the American dream is dead and all earthly treasure will turn to rust and dust, therefore store up for yourselves Treasures in Heaven. Repent and Believe the Gospel. now to address those who willfully continue in sin and the compromising church who continue to encourage it with their big Grace love hugs. to him who knows to do right and does it not it is sin. fleshly weakness is you being tempted and enticed it becomes willful sin when we give into to it and commit sin against God. because God is loving Gracious and merciful He allows a space to repent. repentance results in separation from sin. sin continued results in separation from God. and as it is written in the Living unchangeable word of God, the wrath of God abides on the children of disobedience. when we confess repent and forsake sin we find Justification we are then made righteous in the sight of God we are instructed pursue Holiness > sanctification. sanctification is justifications work manifesting from inward to outward of what has been done inside when we were justified and made righteous in His sight. so basically the Justification that was done inside making us righteous in the Sight of God will be outwardly expressed when one is pursuing sanctification > Holiness. only through Christ by His spirit can we walk in Holiness. His Grace empowers us .

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