Sunday, July 28, 2013

Reject or recieve either way take time to read the whole blog

Reject or recieve either way take time to read the whole blog

If My friends were all christian, tell me who then would I be reaching ? check my friends list evidence I've left the 99 to go after the one.
 as a christian would God Judge me as being obedient to the Great commission or condemn me as being unequally yoked together with unbelievers ? 
I could choose to be a hypocrite a pharisee and try to stone the women taken in the sin of adultery, but as I reflect on the hidden word in my heart , I remember that it was Jesus who said they that be whole need not a physician but they that are sick.
If all my friends were christian tell me who then would need to hear, who then would heed with fear ? would it be the selfrighteous hypocrites and pharisees that Im friends with ? would it be they that claim to follow Jesus but dont move as He moved ?
Hard hearts wont listen , but they that be sick need The physician. will you introduce them to the remedy ? I know right about now your ready to shout friendship of the world is enmity with God and cast me out and label me as a enemy.
Religion is blind and the deaf cant hear, so I speak clear in hopes that you will not only hear but understand and see clearly where this goes. keep reading.
don't get it twisted or confused, I've taken a stand and continue to stand against sin I refuse to compromise .  I will preach repentance and confront sin.  If all my friends were christian, tell me who then would I be reaching ? as a christian will God Judge me as being obedient to the Great commission or condemn me as unequally yoked ? The accuser of the Bretheren accuses me because I wont let the devil use me.
 Bold and courageous by the spirit of the Lord His word in me as a fire shut up in my bones, commissioned and called to reach a valley of dry bones, The harvest truly is plenteous but the labourers are few.
I drew my line in the sand , no longer conformed to this world, Transformed  daily renewed in my mind, eyes no longer blind, my past is behind forgiven, free from chains I've been Redeemed to Glorify my King let my love for Him be shown by keeping His commandments , loving one another as He has loved me and let His Holy Spirit lead me into all Truth.
Nothing to hide , nothing to prove , since you recently began to question me Gladly I testify to you and all who will hear, sinner saved by Grace how sweet the sound forgiveness, chains hit the ground instantly, no longer empty.
filled with the spirit of God and sealed with the spirit of God. Im filled up to pour out.
I remember Grace mercy and longsuffering  do you ? I know True Love, do you ?
Judgement and the wrath of God, justice righteousness and True Holiness the Love and Grace of God, mercy and longsuffering, Redeemer, healer, deliverer, strong tower, refuge and fortress, The way The Truth and The Life thats my King . healed by His stripes saved by Grace Through Faith
plenty religious hypocrites call me blind because I walk without seeing, I was taught walk by Faith not by sight. ever since I started believing marvellous Light of Truth  shinning in my heart Lamp unto my feet Light unto my path , clay in the Hands of the potter formed me and made me a new creation in Christ, He said be still My child I know the plans that I have for you come and Follow Me.
My answer to the call here am I send me I'll go, cost counted willing to Go this cross I carry into persecution . I'll go this cross I carry to the highways and hedges to compel the lost and broken to come in that the Lords house may be filled, remembering that many are called but few are chosen, the way is narrow . expecting rejection expecting to be mocked as I stand a witness for Christ, a city set on a Hill that cannot be hid, salt and Light.
If all my friends were christian, tell me who then would I be reaching ? check my friends list evidence I've left the 99 to go after the one. as a christian will God Judge me for being obedient to the Great comission ? or will He condemn me as unequally yoked ?
My journey is clear Im filled up to pour out my journey is clear, Im filled up to pour out,  Jesus said he that believes on Him as scripture has said out of his belly shall flow rivers of Living water, my journey is clear Im filled up to pour out , cost counted this cross I carry to the valley of dry bones , my journey is clear Im filled up to pour out, rivers of Living water flowing into a dry and thirsty land.
Jesus said to His Disciples Heal the sick cleanse the lepers ,raise the dead, cast out devils, freely you have recieved, freely give.
I'm just a vessel willing here I am Lord use my hands, my feet my body is your Temple, through out this land of many who are sick in need of a physician, use me Lord here I am . wonderful counselor take my mouth and speak Thus saith the Lord, Your written word Living through me, cause the blind to see make the deaf to hear and the lame to walk and the lost to be found .
here I am Lord, I'll be the vessel You be the preacher, give me a mouth of wisdom that none can gainsay nor resist. my journey is clear Im filled up to pour out, cost counted this cross I carry, when they fight against me its not me they fight against, hated by the world because they hated You first still I will follow. I've tasted and I've seen Lord you are good, oh what privilidge to be in fellowship and communion with the KING OF kings.
Jesus moved with compassion in the midst of a lost broken world , be healed and made whole Go and sin no more.  His earthly ministry was our example providing His steps to follow Trusting in the Father all about His buisness and His will.
If all of my friends were christian, tell me who then would I be reaching ? am I condemned as unequally yoked for obeying the Great comission ? The Harvest Truly is plenteous but the labourers are few.
Don't let your neighbour die in sin, Are you going to turn them away when they come begging for bread ?
Bread of Life sent down from Heaven, claim you know Him and claim you follow Him, Jesus fed five thousand afterwards concerned about the fragments saving twelve baskets full. the definition for fragments means a broken or incomplete piece
How many have you fed ? and how many fragments have you let fall to the ground not concerned with picking them up ?
Three times Jesus questions Peter do you Love me ? peter replys yes Lord and He says to peter feed My Lambs. the 2nd time peter replys yes Lord He says to peter feed My sheep, the 3rd time peter was grieved and replys Lord thou knowest all things, Thou knowest that I love Thee and Jesus says to Him feed My sheep.
Time to get out of the flesh and walk in the spirit.  many claim to be filled with the Holy spirit. I'm reminded of Luke 4:18  The spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the Gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them who are bruised. 
If we are the Body why aren't His arms reaching ? why aren't His hands healing ? why aren't His words teaching ? and if we are the body why aren't His feet going ?

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