Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Mark chapter 4

In the Book of Mark chapter four, Jesus told His disciples lets go over to the other side they left the crowd to go to the other side, Jesus was sleeping in the boat and there arose a great storm of wind waves beating against the ship filling up full. the Disciples became fearful feeling threatened, forgetting the power of the Man who was with them. they panicked. now these were seasoned fishermen... they new what it was like to be in a storm on the sea of Galilee. for them to be fearful it couldn't of been no ordinary storm. remember Jesus was asleep the storm wasn't a threat to the Saviour. being fearful and in panick they woke Jesus up saying Master carest Thou not that we perish ? Jesus arose and rebuked the wind and said unto the sea peace be still and the wind ceased and there was a great calm. Jesus said to His disciples why are you so fearful how is it that ye have no faith ? they then feared exceedingly saying one to another what manner of Man is this that even the wind and the sea obey Him? Jesus was aware of their circumstances even though it appeared that He was sleeping.

The Lord is aware of our circumstances and He does care, in this story a lesson can be learned how we should and shouldn't respond to fear when it comes. God's plan in the storm He allowed wasn't so they would crumble with anxiety , He wants us to come to Him in faith. the disciples on the way to the other side came to Jesus in fear and panic because of the circumstances.

He is aware of what we are going through, He cares and wants us to come to Him in faith knowing that like on that boat He has control of the wind the rain and the sea. how many times have we wanted to or actually cried out Lord don't you care that I'm hurting and afraid don't you see what I'm going through ? the storm may be raging around you. before the journey Jesus told the disciples they were going over to the other side of the lake, He had a destination in mind He also had a principle He wanted them to learn and follow. Jesus may have gone to sleep but He also allowed the storm to grow in magnitude so that the men would admit their only help was Jesus, once they did that He stood up rebuked the wind and sea . and then there was a great calm. God bless you all . Trust in the Lord and lean not to your own understanding, stop trying to fight in your own strength and submit to the Lord, no matter how seasoned you are or how well you think you know the battlefield we all still need Jesus. we can do nothing with out Him.

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