Those who possess the voice of His spirit are a target in 2025 . World rulers are going to recognize that Christ lives in His people because of the boldness that will come forth out of His people.
Because The word of God will be bolder in the mouth of His people than ever before the word of God will be a day and night torment to those who reject Christ .
Those who conform to and seek after this world they that be after the flesh and not after the spirit they that declare their sin as Sodom will wage war against the saints war against the Lamb
Globally I see this growing crowd of people who abide and dwell in the ways of darkness who call evil good and call good evil . They've been off in the distance like wolves inching closer and closer they're beginning to really show their teeth now the look in their eyes is different their faces have changed they try to quiet the noise within them as they inch closer and closer drooling over their thirst and taste for blood
Persecution is at the door.