foretold written times sent forth as sheep in the midst of wolves with warning to know this that they will deliver you up to the councils , and they will scourge you in their synagogues and you shall be brought before Governors and kings for My sake ( Jesus) the purpose in it for a testimony against them. Jesus goes on in verse 19 this all is coming from Matthew 10 beginning at verse 16.. Jesus goes on in verse 19 with this instruction saying but when they deliver you up , He didn't say if He said when .. when they deliver you up , take no thought how or what you will speak : for it shall be given you in that same hour what you shall speak.. for it is not you who speaks , but the Spirit of your Father which speaks in you . Jesus goes on later to say and you shall be hated of all men for My Name's sake : but he who endures until the end shall be saved. when we are persecuted in this city Jesus says to flee to another one
Monday, August 31, 2020
Friday, August 28, 2020
many think to highly of police
many think too highly of the police.. let me point something out.. if i tackle you or hit you , the natural reflex response of your body is going to react to the contact that your body took.. and so the police get away with much brutality by using the phrase '' stop resisting '' while having a knee in your back already on the ground the cop slaps a cuff on one arm why another cop or the same one holds your other arm in a ufc submission hold and it really makes it look like you're resisting then because the natural response of you body and how it reacts to force pain taking a hit pressure being applied that will make the body squirm jump roll from side to side or try to get up off ground.. okay so there is that and the other part to add is while all of that is going on you have cops running like a nfl line coming to sack the quarterback your on the ground they are diving on you knees elbows coming punches etc .. you get the point or do you ? see clearer now ? you've been conditioned to support brutality and hold the alleged criminal his or her history and past against them. the systems of the world are unforgiving and hold a list of wrongs many of them are hypocrites who will be judged with the same judgement they have judged with.. if you want to make change see change have to be that change and and attack the root of the problems not the person not the flesh thats not who we wrestle against.. its always spiritual and thats how we fight not by might not by power but by the spirit of the Lord. victory is obtained in and through Jesus.
you have to see
You have to see past your selfish self there is a lot going on behind the scenes of covid now you’re seeing the fruit of the evil agendas. Racism and movements protests it’s all part of the agenda and a large majority are feeding into partaking of the nonsense. Lovers of self having pleasure in unrighteousness. The system of the world has always been a system of systems that was set to self destruct. Cities lay waste they lay in ruins heaps of ashes streets filled with violence because what’s been hidden is coming to light in full manifestation now. It will lead to total collapse and unrest streets filled with military. These are evil times so many different evil spirits at work destroying just as satan does he comes to steal kill and to destroy. America and it’s people are being devoured up . The stage has long been set for the Antichrist to rise to power. These spiritually lawless times streets filled with violence murder hate rage chaos division discord adultery idolatry idols and false gods pagan worship false prophets where is your prosperity now? The end of all things is at hand it’s time to repent forsake the foolish and live. Jesus is the only way there is no other name by which we should be saved. Jesus is the anchor of hope the source of life and salvation choose this day whom you will serve. The mark of the beast is coming will you give up the living systems of the world your ability to have access to what the world has access to or will you take the mark of the beast to try and save your own life just to lose it and forfeit eternal life through Christ and receive eternal damnation
Thursday, August 27, 2020
racism is a identity crisis
racism is a identity crisis.. people don't know their true identity which is who they have been created to be in Christ. our heritage is in Christ . racism is a issue that is rooted in the pride of satan . white and black are guilty of being racist toward one another.. all have sinned and fallen short .. forgive and you shall be forgiven.. problem is the world systems push it and many take that bait of satan and run destructively with it.. martin luther king was able to change what he did because He was seeking God and listening to God .. he took Gods love and gave it freely .. he helped people see why color shouldnt be a fighting matter and how hateful racism is.. racism and the spreading of it is the voice the whispers of satans influences dividing God's people weakening our ability to stand as one.
dont feed the beast system
don't feed the beast system that is rising out of this plandemic.. you're selling your souls and lining up to take the mark of the beast. do not receive any mark in you hand or forhead. if you take the mark of the beast you'll be eternally damned to hell .. they have been conditioning people for the rise of the Antichrist and mark of the beast. they have so many living in fear worry anxiety etc.. their agenda goal and plan is to have you so fearful by the time of the mark that you will be in line for it.. they will try to use every angle and leverage they think they have.. you wont be able to buy or sell they will try to use your children and things you value and want dreams you have.. we have been well studied by a hidden enemy we all are collected data from time of birth.. satan is their influence they think themselves to be gods satan wanted to be greater than God and fell in his pride . they want to know our thoughts whats happening in our homes etc.. evil rulers have crept in unawares.. Jesus is the way the truth and the life.. there is no other way.. not a brilliant mind medical minds scientists science or doctors can save you from what is coming only Jesus can it is time to repent and believe the Gospel. the end of all things are at hand
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
democrats hate Christ they hate the Bible they hate christians
Democrat’s hate Christ and hate Christians . They hate life they believe in depopulation not being fruitful and multiplying. Democrats love innocent blood shedding and violence the list is long why I don’t support them. Trump some things I agree on does it mean I trust trump no ! Why don’t I trust him because he is a mere man who is capable of making bad choices but who isnt? I look at who both parties are connected to foundations they fund and I’m looking at the foundations trump has defunded. I’m looking at their intents and motives . You can be easily charmed and flattered with words and empty promises so what are they doing is what I look at and what do they plan and intend to accomplish. Democrats want a great reset they are on board with George soros davos gates fauci etc.. under this reset Americans would be governed like slaves. So many agenda came to birth behind the masks of covid19 forget the cov there pay attention to the I.D. agenda the soon coming chip and mandated forced vaccines. Back to trump at the start of covid pandemic he spoke and said it will come and it will go away and then it will come back again . That stood out to me sounded like a controlled controllable thing the virus and sounded as if they could control and target who gets infected and specific locations. Another thing from a speech of his at the beginning of pandemic he said they had a meeting with the g 20 I took some notes I will bring up on another post. Another things trump said that stood out to me is when he once made the comment president for life I like the sound of that he said. It’s clear that the Democrats are Antichrist meaning against Christ and His followers. Back to trump I agree with some things I don’t fully trust him and I’m not ignorant to the fact that at any given time his heart could change in a disastrous way if He forsakes the leadership of Jesus and takes to his own way.
noah built the ark because
Noah built the Ark because he had strategic detailed instruction and he had a message he was given to deliver to the people .. noah didn't build the Ark to sit in the comfort and safety of the ark and avoid being laughed at mocked or scorned hated .. some will call you crazy many will call what you say a conspiracy .. many will hate you that is a fact Jesus said it ! persecution will come many things will come .. lawlessness is manifesting the spirit of offense and bitterness the spirit of antichrist and division has manifested violence and murder and hypocrisy is manifesting and this time calls for a powerful church in whom the gates of hell shall not prevail against . forms of godliness will not be sufficient in this hour that has came upon this land.. it didn't happen overnight it didn't spring forth because of covid these things that are happening should be expected .. and should move the church to rise up in the power of Christ .. these times and preaching demand power and demonstration of the Holy spirit the church has slumbered and slept asleep in the light . many point to the president and leaders in government for blame ... but the church has failed to maintain it's rightful position instead of taking the land into possession we've forfeited it through compromises
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
hope not seen by appearance
The Hope that is in front of us readily available is not seen with natural sight , you cannot look with your eyes and see the appearance of hope because it is spiritually seen and focused in on by faith . the proof of faith is walking by it and living by it.. the days we are in and coming days will require faith that is walked out and lived out. there is but one door and one way it's not a mask it's not keeping 6ft distance it's not a brilliant medical mind nor is it science , it's not a governor a democrat a republican , it's not a worldly way it's not worldly wisdom and stats or what the world deems as facts. it's not the worlds interpretation opinions or feelings.. it's not riches possessions and materials . none but Jesus He is the way and the only way. if you want peace that surpasses all understanding Jesus is the giver of all that you need .. soon to return soon we'll fly away .. soon many will say Lord , Lord and He will say to them depart I never knew you.. sad reality of choices made in a life lived out as lost continuing on into eternity , eternally lost weeping gnashing of teeth eternally tormented .. Hells highway is a wide gate you can freely choose to travel through out life on earth.. but those pastors and tv preachers lied to you they have made merchandise of God's flock fleecing them dumb dogs they are they lied to you it's dishonest gain that will be judged you'll see them in hell with you if you die lost having pleasure in unrighteousness delighting in the things that the Lord delights not in.
Sunday, August 9, 2020
NEW world and biden elite and covid
biden is a new world order puppet whose strings are pulled by the elite .. if u dont know the elite today are comparable to slave owners in the history the world system has taught us to remember. but sadly none are paying attention so many stuck looking back distracted by those injustices and they cannot see the direction this country is going .. looking at how they have used a virus a pandemic sickness and death there are many hidden agendas attached to the virus.. the virus of many viruses . Americans have already began to be conditioned for many new orders and ways of the world and living and thus far a large majority are found in full submission total compliance so it's going according to how they have planned . one day you may realize how this virus this pandemic was an attack on everything America is and once stood for. it's been a individual attack that seems to have targeted specific people. its a national attack and global this is more than just a virus . the infection spread at large and the greatest danger has been the fearmongering the media the many influences the many movements divisions and protests the many executive orders fake new laws like mask mandate and the new direction the world is headed . while a virus threatens to sicken those or possibly kill those with weakened immune systems
Saturday, August 8, 2020
agendas at hand new order world
the agenda's at hand are empowered in many ways .. submission to the fearmongering resulting in compliance to wearing a mask . the virus is real but the truth is many many recover. do you realize what you're getting in line for ? the new America you're lining up for ? slavery is being birthed out of crisis where all no matter color are enslaved to a reset world under new orders and controls. it's no conspiracy these agendas are real and governed by a elite group of rich men .. they want total power and control and they want their new world order buddy biden to win... they have a quote out of chaos comes order.. they have used many different avenues to pollute corrupt mislead deceive confuse condition brainwash control no questions asked full compliance total submission is what the slave masters want. and they have so many confused and hating a man who is trying to stop America from turning globalist and remaining patriots . so many deceived all of a sudden in the midst of a pandemic the democrat side cares about life and sustaining it ? so no more abortions then right ? come on now the truth is forever in plain sight . you're lining up for a New America while the virus is real the media and every tool at hand with the power of influence and persuasion has caused many to fully comply out of fear .. these rich elite men and women who are white use various movements play into much propaganda they manipulate and control all the influence before you're eyes in the world of their technology while they sit and think themselves to be as gods.. they are attempting to make new history while dividing with old history , virus pandemic fear .. they have always tried and sought to capitalize off of tragedy chaos pandemic etc... and the system is rigged to self destruct
wearing a mask covid19
wearing a mask improperly can actually increase your risk of getting disease . any one can research these facts.. and any honest doctor knows that if your mask fits improperly you've in turn opened yourself up to higher risk of getting disease . and a proven medical study in 2015 looking at individual medical students wearing masks touched their face on average of 23 times. and it is well known that a major way that one can get respiratory disease like coron aka covid 19 by touching surfaces then touching your face. so who poses the higher risk the higher threat the higher danger to spreading covid and other respiratory disease is actually those wearing improperly fitted masks. do research before you spread more stupidity enslaving the fearful.. this may very well lead to a increase in cancer and cancer growths for those wearing masks and especially improperly fitted masks
look at the N95 NIOSH approved particulate masks. The “N” means it is not approved for oils and the 95 means it will stop 95% of any particulate 3 microns and larger. But we already said that the virus was 1/10 of 1 micron in diameter.”
The agenda's are empowered by willful compliance
The agenda's are empowered by willful compliance. the census count I imagine was rather different count the compliant and the defiant . easily numbered and tracked are the compliant . the compliant are getting in line willfully for many unknowns in the very near future they'll hate the new orders of the world that they promoted and supported . sorrow filled hearts, hearts failing them for fear weeping over the loss of things they covet gnashing teeth full of rage they'll roar as they're tossed to and fro like a wave driven at sea by the wind unstable double minded in all their ways destroyed for lack of knowledge perishing because they've rejected the one true God and have loved darkness and hated the light .
In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God
Daniel 7:10 A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousan...
The Mind is the strategic center where spiritual warfare with satan takes place. It is through the unrenewed areas of thinking that the de...
there is a cry in my spirit that seems so hard to explain. I believe the Lord is breaking my heart for what breaks His. so many people are w...
There will be a day when we stand before God, and many who thought themselves to be followers will be identified as nothing more that just f...