Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Season's change eventually

Season's change eventually and it all makes sense at the end of the season. I've been in seasons of overflowing rivers of living waters I've been through dry desert season's where I felt like walking dry bones,  I've been through the wilderness ,  seasons of refining,   seasons of purging . Several fiery trials,  I've been through season's of constant betrayal,  sessions of afflictions , oppression and opposition  I've been  I've been through a season of backsliding I've been the prodigal son.  In it all through it all I cannot put into words the tender mercies of the Lord.

Check Offense where it began

Offense is a bridge where bitterness travels from the mind to the heart coming out in the actions of the offended person , its fruit is betrayal & hatred and lawlessness abounding , the result is love waxing cold . broken fellowship with God leads to broken fellowship/broken relationships with others. to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

Monday, February 11, 2019


Matthew 24:10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.
Offense left uncorrected leads to betrayal and betrayal leads to hatred
Matthew 24:12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
other versions say because lawlessness shall abound the love of many shall wax cold
in the greek the word lawlessness means you are law unto yourself you have not submitted yourself to the Authority of God.
the greek word for love in matthew 24:12 is agape which is the love of God in the heart of a Christian. because of lawless thinking their love their fire & passion for God will grow cold. why ? go back to verse 10 and you will find the answer. offense left uncorrected builds walls of protection offense leads to betrayal and betrayal leads to hatred, lawless thinking

Friday, February 8, 2019

Testing of faith

The trying and testing of faith in this season will produce a faith more precious than gold.  Through all of the shaking that will take place many will learn by experience that God sustains and remains our all in all.  This storm might call you out of the boat on to the waters. This storm might have you a little fearful on the way to the other side.  He is taking us to a place of unshakable faith that walks in the fullness of His Spirit and of His power the just shall live by faith.

Tested and tried

When you're being tested and tried and things surface in the flesh that you didn't know were there be thankful for purification by fire.  A faith more precious than gold comes out of that fire. 
you cant see the impurties in gold before it is when it's put in the fire that you see the impurities in gold. things that are hidden to us are visible to God, when the fire of trials hit us thats when our impurities surface. there is purpose in every trial we face. for gold to be refined it is first grinded into powder and placed in a furnace with intense heat. The just shall live by faith.  If you're going through it remember all of the times that the Lord has brought you through to the other side rejoicing having great joy. The Lord is with us always trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not upon your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge Him,  and He shall direct your paths.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Purging fire

Be encouraged
JOHN 15:2 Every branch in Me that beareth not fruit He taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, He purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.

purging , pruning, testing and trials come often in our walk of faith and they are necessary for our growth . Our heart is like a garden the seed of God's word has been planted and we grow much like a plant Jesus is the vine we are the branches . If you've ever grown a garden any plant requires pruning and when we prune a plant a tree or a shrub it's to force it to grow in a more perfect form more fruitful.

The purging fire will bring will remove Stain and spot,  it cleanses it prunes and purges  away anything unfruitful in us.  The purging fire will bring us under God's correction and it's the leadership of the Holy Spirit that guides us into all Truth. 

God cleans us up to bear more fruit,  and some times in that process there is a separation that happens purging away things , materials , cares of this world,  relationships that are of a unequal yoke.  And wrong motives that may Have been developed or wrong mindsets whether those wrong mindsets be of people , circumstances,  our enemies, etc..

Some times unfruitful approaches and methods develop some times it's none of that it's just time for more growth more fruit.

There is hope

Those who feel like God doesn't love them , God wants you to know that He is pursuing you today.  You might feel like you've done too much bad stuff but Jesus died a bloody death on the cross for you too.  He was beaten beyond recognition bruised scorned head crowned with thorns His side pierced nails in His hands nails in His feet for you too.

Not one who is already saved by Grace through faith is better than the one who hasn't believed. Jesus died for the murders too even His own on the Cross Jesus cried out Father forgive them for they know not what they do.

Jesus was a humble servant leader who washed the feet of Judas knowing that Judas would betray Him . Every one of us who have stood on the side of sin were guilty of His death and out of love for all the world God sent His only begotten Son Jesus came in the flesh He is the Christ the savior of the world and He seeks to save the lost.

He has called us all to repentance and that is turning away from our sins, fact is I was lost in depression lost in anxiety lost in the party life committed crimes spent time in jail in times past sold drugs did drugs was a abuser of myself and others I've did a lot of bad things some people still hold against me but the beautiful thing is Jesus forgave me of it all cast my sins as far as the east is from the west never to be remembered gave me a new heart put His spirit in me raised me up caused me to cross over from death to life and live in Christ as a new creation in Christ.

He put a love in me I didn't have before, a love for Him a love for myself and for my neighbors. Jesus extended to me undeserved unearned mercy and Grace through His death and ressurection . He forgave me and told me to extend the same forgiveness.

Told me to love in deed and in truth. Jesus found me in a Dark valley a Dark pit where I felt hopeless and helpless I was always trying to save my own life and burie my internal wounds and  my pain living reckless I should be dead a 100 mph car accident when I turned 17 , drug deals gone bad death threats to my life overdoses on escasty pills, acid trips that had me at the edge of never coming back, deep and dark depression many suicidal thoughts and feelings of taking my own life.

 But I would of went to hell if any of those things would hand killed me.  If not for His mercy and Grace available through His death and ressurecrion I wouldn't be hear at the age of 35.  When I was at the end of myself constant thoughts that , that way of life wasn't living I came to the end of myself finding a deep desire in me yearning for change I could never change me Christ changed me when He came to me in my low estate and I responded to His call Lord forgive me I need you I can't make it another day with out you and He put the desire in me to stop doing certain things and stop living the ways that were killing me spirtually.

 There is blessed Hope in Christ for all. Today if you hear His voice harden not your heart respond to His calling as Jesus seeks to save you from all that has been destroying you internally and externally. New life awaits you today and a journey by faith walking with Jesus.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Worldly church growth tactics

The only way to grow the church is to let Christ be the head of His church. Too many trying to build churches like the world builds a business.  You want to grow the church go out into all the world preach the Gospel.  Bid guests to the marriage. The church needs people full of faith and power the power of the Holy Spirit not another grow your church program that feeds the offering and starves the flock of God.  You worldly faithless pastors need to repent and become a house of prayer .A house of authentic faith.  Stop looking to the world and it ways of business growth a go do the work of an evangelist.

Hope in God's mercy

 Hope in God's mercy His mercy endures forever His mercies are new every morning.  good news today for all who have sinned and fallen short the Glory of God, that stain of sin and guilt and shame can be washed away the Blood of Jesus never loses it's power. Forsake the sin confess it to the Lord , He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteous. He who covers his sins shall not prosper but whoso confesses and forsakes them shall have mercy

It will cost you

In the soon  coming days ahead in this world the acceptance of the cross of Christ will cost us who believe if you've not counted that cost now would be a good time to get in the word of God and count the cost.  And those who reject Christ well it's going to cost you forfeiting Eternal Life in Heaven, you'll receive Eternal damnation .

In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God

Daniel 7:10 A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousan...