Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Job 21:27 Behold , I know your thoughts and devices which you wrongfully imagine against me.
This is Job's appeal to his friends to consider what they were saying. In verse 3 Job said to them suffer me that I May speak and after that I have spoken mock on. In other words Job was saying heart what I have to say and if you disagree " mock on " leading up to all this his friends thought Job was a hypocrite, they thought that Job was suffering because He was a wicked man. They couldn't see God's Hand in and through it all.

thinking about God's creation

Thinking about God's creation this morning , His design in the nature of animal , how they shelter their babies and provide for them as they grow . they train them up to live steer them away from dangers . there is a law in nature many miss . some parents today need to look at God's design how the deer raise and protect and provide and train up their babies . look at the birds how they are with their babies until they can fly . the kangaroo and its baby. the cat and kittens t...he dog and its puppies . Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest. if ya don't train up your children in the ways of God the world will teach them to hate God . the world will teach them temporary joy peace and happiness temporary satisfaction.

God does not give up on His children

God does not give up on His children who have drifted or fallen ! He seeks to save them and has promised to deliver them. God has His ways of positioning His child to come to the end of their self and return to Him. God will draw them even when their wound looks incurable and grievous. and God will deal with those who have had wrong attitudes towards the sheep that have gone astray. don't think for one minute that God cannot draw a lost sheep back to the fold. while many tend only to the 99 just God is pursuing that one who has went astray and so are those who are being led by the spirit of the Lord.

snow falls quickly

the snow falls quickly and piles up quickly . walking through it can be a challenge especially when it is deep. we tend to look at all the snow in our path of travel and get overwhelmed with the work before us to clear a path likewise spiritually we sometimes look at the work before us and all the obstacles blocking a clear path and become overwhelmed . but we are not alone and do not have to do it all on our own nor do we have to figure it all out on our own. God is with us and He is for us . when we trust in Him with all our heart and forsake leaning upon our own understanding then by faith we see a clear path and we witness His Grace being sufficient for us and His strength being perfected in us and through us.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


We all go through wilderness experiences . And our wilderness experiences is leading us to a place in our faith to where we will truly wholeheartedly be able to say though He slay me yet will I trust Him. Not only will we be able to truthfully say that but our actions will prove it to be true. God is in your wilderness with you choose to trust Him and lean upon Him. He will carry you through, this I know because He has carried me through my wilderness experiences. Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers us from them all. Read Psalm 69 and be encouraged. Not many like to talk about their wilderness experiences . Don't worry about what people might think or say . If they are walking in the Spirit they will hear your cry and see & hear your need for encouragement.

David was crying save me O God for the waters are come in unto my soul. I sink in deep mire, where there is no standing : I am come into deep waters where the floods overflow me.
Have you ever been in the wilderness going through trials and afflictions to where you felt like you were sinking or losing ground sinking in deep mire where there is no standing ? I know I have but you know what God is faithful .we may have to endure for as week a month , months or even as year but you gotta believe and keep the faith that God is going to deliver you.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

be blessed by this message

it's not whether you can or can't , it's whether you will or you won't
you may feel like you can't make it , don't be led by feeling and don't be paralyzed by your feelings . the prison door is open arise Light is shining walk out those prison doors and don't look back , behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world . you may '' feel '' like God hasn't heard your cries for help but He has and He is calling your name saying come to Me . the guilt the shame the p...ain can be washed away and the Blood of Jesus will make you white as snow . the Lord purifies the heart . you thought you weren't worth being given a second chance , my friend look to the cross with more than just a glance look with faith look with your whole heart. you may have backslidden so far that you '' feel '' like you have ruined all the plans that God has for you , you're not alone I have been there before and I imagine Peter felt the same after he denied Jesus three times, I imagine Peter felt like he couldn't come back to God's love , I imagine Peter felt like God couldn't or wouldn't use him again . Oh but God did and God used Peter in a Mighty way for the Glory of the Lord. see sometimes we put limitations on God , sometimes in our flesh our carnal thinking says God can't or God won't and that is doubt & unbelief speaking which must be repented of. we know that all things are possible with God and there is nothing too hard for Him. ask the Lord to show you to reveal to you the limitations that you have put on Him and let the healing begin as God's goodness leads you to repentance

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Set thy house in order

Christians now is the time to set thy house in order and prepare. prepare spiritually that is . there is coming a day in America where persecution will be real , not the persecution we have already known but persecution where your faith is on trial persecution where Christians are really hated by the world as Jesus said we would be. persecution is coming to America where you can/ will lose your life for your faith in Jesus. now is the time to awake and set thy house in order ...and prepare spiritually. our love for Jesus has to be greater than our love for family . when that day comes I want my house spiritually prepared to the point where if they tell my family deny your faith or Brandon dies that my family says and evidences that they love Jesus more than me and vice versa . a weak shallow faith will not make it when the heat is turned up . just like how a shallow water puddle dries up in the heat and evaporates so will a shallow faith that isn't deeply rooted in the word of God prayer and Love for Jesus. prepare your house daily . As for me and my house we shall serve the Lord !

In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God

Daniel 7:10 A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousan...